Alexandra Hobson
@alihobson · 1:19

It’s OK to not have the "hot girl summer" body

So summer approaches. I've just been thinking about how there's a stigma for young girls and women to have the hot girl summer body. And this can be very detrimental to women in general and just having all these expectations and these other people having high standards for them and what they should look like during the summertime. And I just want to send out a quick reminder that you guys are all beautiful and you shouldn't have to change anything about yourself that you don't like

#SayItOnSwell #bodyimage #selflove

Cassandra Franco
@Cass_franco · 0:33
Hey, Alexandra, I definitely agree with you. We live in a digital age, and social media can be super detrimental to the body image. And then as a society, there are these beauty standards that not everyone fits in, and, you know, everyone's body is unique to them, and it's just a process of kind of learning how to love that. I think we need to definitely bring back normalizing, regular bodies