Adeeba Mirza
@Adeeba.97 · 3:10

Own write-ups (one string of hope)

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Hi guys it's Adeeba here again and I hope everyone is doing well in their life so today I'm back on a swell with another idea just to showcase my own writers which I have been writing for a very long time but I never got an opportunity just to show okay I'm on a platform like swell so today I'm here to recite one of my poem I have written a long time back first of all I would like to share what was the thing which made me write this poem like all of you know we are always working hard to change our life situation but we actually never felt different I would like to say more about it like everything we do in our life just to gain someone it comes with inherent sacrifice but there are some people in our life or in our surroundings which even don't have a hope to do something in their lives they are shattered from inside they have the ability but they are not understanding themselves what they are they feel like they are not worthy enough to be in this world so I wrote my poem on that only so my poem the title of my poem is my one string of hope so I should start it starts with when things broke I got choked the negativity I was soaked that time my heart was in keen search for my one string of hope dark nights with gush my mind in rush need someone to discuss in desire of a soft touch heart trekking with embedded words making my whole life blurred the negativity I was soaked that time my heart was in keen search for my one string of hope which makes people awoke visualizing their life with the scope enhancing the attempt of making goal lately starting themselves to console begin themselves to feel as a whole stop living the life without a goal wrangling with disparencies wanting to begin a life with transparency throwing my fear in a corner leading myself to be a reformer grumbling with dark Knights to be out of my sight needs to be upright leading towards the height with the every fear I must fight and surely will become night now I assure myself to wake a war that I will undoubtedly find my one string of hope so this is my poem I have written and I hope you will enjoy my swell because I'm being a bit dramatic while the recitation of this poem and thank you for today and please give me reviews if you really like my poem or if you don't like my poem please give reviews on it so I think I would be like trying to take the thing which I'm bad in it so thank you for all for listening my smell and I hope you will like it and please share your reviews with me thank you so much

#hope #faith #confidence
