Aanchal saluja
@aanchalsaluja · 1:30

3 things you want to say to your younger self

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Things advice or anything that you want to your younger self know before starting with their teen life. Okay I'll start. And for me I would say three things would be sooner or later you're going to make it. Just be confident. Second thing is life is all about experiences. You just have to learn to fight with your hustles. And third thing would be don't let situation scare you. Speak up for yourself, stand for yourself, do what you want to

#sayitonswell #ask #answer #swellcast

Avni J
@avni15 · 0:44


The last one would be do not compare yourself with anyone. Be confident in your own self. Everyone is unique in their own way. Comparing a fish to a frog is just insane. Thank you. Bye
Aryan Kumar
@LifeIsStrange · 1:24


It slipped from my hand. Second one is don't go to Nepal. It's a private stuff. Don't go to Nepal. Okay. And then third one will be like you said, you're going to make it. That one will be mine as well. You're going to make it sooner or later. If I would have known that that time, it would have been when my anxiety and depression, it would have been so good. Thank you for making this well
Hey. Hi. I hope you are doing great, and thank you so much for inviting me. This is really a great topic, and I would love to answer. Okay, three things. So first thing would be, don't punish yourself for some somebody else mistakes. You aren't the opinions of people who don't know you. Stop worrying about what others think of you. You aren't even fully into it, and you have a whole life ahead of you
Tanishq Dabla
@Tanishq.K.Dabla · 0:49
Third would be be confident, take a stand and never give up. Fourth would be have patience and always keep on hustling, always keep on grinding, never stop because if you stop you will lose. That's what I would like to say to my younger self
Aanchal saluja
@aanchalsaluja · 0:17


Hello Avni. First thing that you said very right is comparing a fray fish and a frog is a stupid idea and, you know, should not compare ourselves. This is something we all need to learn and we all need to know this. Thank you so much for replaying
Aanchal saluja
@aanchalsaluja · 0:31


Hello. Aryan s is welcome. And, you know, I just want to say one thing is unfortunately, but I'm sure my Hans rudracks. And plus, I would love to know know your Nepal story because I think it could be a kind of funny and how you said that never go to Nepal. I want to know, like, why
Aanchal saluja
@aanchalsaluja · 0:24


Hi One thing I would like to say to you that once again I agree with whatever you said and you know the advices you wish to give to your teenage you. I rarely needed these advices in my twenties. Like even in today's life I need to just listen and follow whatever advice you said. So thank you so much for replying
Aanchal saluja
@aanchalsaluja · 0:19


Hello. Tanishq, thank you so much for applying and pass me on. But, you know, we can definitely apply this because, you know, the one thing of being confident, we all need this. That even today I need that. So thank you so much for replying
Grace Salzer
@gsalzer · 1:16
So this is a really good prompt. This is a really interesting prompt and I'd say that I would tell my younger self to this is going to sound like corny or whatever, but just don't be afraid to be yourself. Like, I feel like when we're younger anger. We're just so scared of showing people who we really are and we just want to fit in desperately. And I just want to tell my younger self it does not matter. Like no one cares
Aanchal saluja
@aanchalsaluja · 0:43


Hey, thank you so much for applying. I hope you're doing good and maybe whatever the advices you give, every person in a teenage needs that, you know, like not trusting everybody, not everybody is your friend. Not everybody is your well being, confident, being yourself are the things that every teenage feels like. They lose confidence. They feel like they're good for nothing. Every teenage goes through this. I so these are the advice that every teenage needs
gungun bansal
@gungunbansal_ · 1:33
Hi angel. This is something you come up with very curious. You know I never had a thought about it but I do listen other people is telling us that if I was younger I shouldn't do this. I shouldn't do this. So yeah it's a very curious version. I would like to answer this if I get a chance to bring my younger self to start over again what's the three point I should keep in my mind?