Surya V
@welcome28 · 14:22

Emotional connect :)

What is going on in this world. Yes, these days, kids are more advanced. So the elders should definitely accept it. Of course. While coming to decision making, the elders should guide. The elders should say that this is the way, these. These things you can do. But please remember, you have to decide on yourself. You take a decision on your own and own responsibility for the decision. So such an elder, such an elderly will be approached by the kid

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Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 0:55
Make friendship with your kids. Otherwise they will search friends in outside world and maybe there they will not get good friends. So emotional connection as you are saying. Absolutely. It is very very important between parents and kids so that whenever they get some problem in life, they could discuss it with their parents and they could seek solutions in the company of their parents. So I totally agree with you. And definitely people must establish strong relationship, strong understanding with their kids
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 4:56
For all these things, one has to very patiently be available, you know, as a sounding board, perhaps you may not really, like you rightly said, you know, they may not really be looking at your interference, but they just need a sounding board at times. And that is super helpful. We have practiced this a lot at home and of course, it has been a mixed bag for us. We have also done a lot of conventional parenting approaches
