Surya V
@welcome28 · 4:25

Happy weekend !!

No, we all had a small desire that those people should get an opportunity to pray the Lord with their own hands. So we have selected the priests from their community. We have trained them with the able guidance of some Brahmashris and some very well versed scholars. They have been trained into the archakavidis. And incidentally, I have been forced to take to see the responsibility of the project. Yes. All those people have forced me. So I have to accept. Because it is a good cause

#swell #talks

Pragati Chopra
@Pragati.chopra · 4:28
So I am finding people visiting temples more than before. I mean like which wherever Indian temple I visit there is so much of crowd in fact overcrowd and people are rushing, pushing. So today it made me wonder do we really need to visit these high energy places like the special kind of temples that we all in Hindu mythology that have been mentioned? Is it important that we need to go there? And can't we just sit at home or at any place if we are there?
Surya V
@welcome28 · 4:39


I keep repeating what my gurukulas and my gurus, what they say I keep repeating like a parrot. There is nothing new I know as far as I am concerned. So my sharing of certain things on this app is not to enrich your knowledge on Tantra, but just to make you aware that such things do exist in the system of nature, so that the listener will appreciate nature and love it from the bottom of their heart. Oh, how beautiful the nature is
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Surya V
@welcome28 · 4:55


So logical people, analytical people, self centered people, these are the categories of people who are not recommended to just go near the tantra, the subject itself. And it is not for the people who manipulate and calculate. Tantra is for the people who want to go beyond the knowledge, ignoring the right and wrong. Not only wrong, even the right one must be able to sacrifice for such a sacrificial person. The masters initiate tantra those days
Surya V
@welcome28 · 5:00


Whenever I'm not talking about all temples, I'm talking about Kshetras Punyakshetras where the Pratista has been done by a Mahan or a good Sadhaka or a good Master. When you go to such a temple, you may not see but some of the good positive forces will see you. They will see you before you even go to Lord and pray. They will see you. And if they like, they will bless you with what you want
Surya V
@welcome28 · 5:00
So when you go there, they may get attracted to you and they may follow you to home. It is based upon one's faith. If you really go to a Kshetra with faith once, one time is enough. And also in Kshetras it is both Mantra Yantra, Tantra three things are followed in a punyakshetra mantra aspect. Mantra aspect which cleanses the environment. The bijaksharas the aksharas in the mantra will cleanse the environment. So near Ekstra, you will not attract bad thoughts or negative thoughts
Pragati Chopra
@Pragati.chopra · 4:55


So I'm really grateful to you for always explaining and responding in such a deep way and putting in your time and energy and your knowledge and sharing it with me. It really means a lot. And I'm deeply grateful to you and all the best for your premium as well. And I'm really waiting for you to come up with some amazing insights and knowledge about Tantras and Vedas and gods and temples. Thank you so much and God bless
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:04
Hi Surya. First of all, I'm very, very happy to listen about your project that you're working on, the construction of temples. And I really appreciate your initiative to actually overcome the issues of inequality and create equal opportunities to offer prayers, which is really amazing since you're working for a very noble cause
Harshita Negi
@harshita.pkn · 1:56
So I don't know, I found it really strange that torn diwali. So I don't know who does that in a temple, I mean, stealing flowers. But I don't know, it just came to my mind because you're talking about temples and places like that. And I think, yes, there's a lot of things that I can know and learn from you
Surya V
@welcome28 · 2:48

👍 @harshita.pkn

Right now this app is very convenient because you can ask a question whenever you are in a free time. In your free time, you can ask a question. And whenever I open this app, I can reply so that our works, our regular and normal works won't get disturbed. Instead of spending a considerable time together, talking on the same topic, like for half an hour, 40 minutes, it's better, I think so it's better in this app
Harshita Negi
@harshita.pkn · 4:03


And then when I asked this one person how do you know? He said I know so very strange behavior. Things that no one else would know. I don't know. Shocking, but I do believe in this. But at the same time I also believe that it can be a disorder. It could be that their mind is playing games. Because even I feel delusional a lot. Many times, to be honest
Surya V
@welcome28 · 5:00


Hello Harshita those are lot many questions let me attempt to answer one by one to the best of my ability in this well and if there is any continuation I'll make a new podcast. Thank you where do I get all this information from? Internet, Google, YouTube no further matters of my updation regarding finance or taxation I use them. But for the matters of spirituality google, YouTube, internet, books 99% of the information available there is just scrap. Yes
Surya V
@welcome28 · 4:56


Not by escaping from it or not by conditioning your mind in the name of discipline. What happens if you condition? You know, if you are not able to accept your reality or if you want to condition something, what happens? It is like more like a spring. The more you suppress, the greater is the chance of bouncing back. So that is the thing with my vidya. I have learned from my master day and night. I used to be with him if it is a holiday
Surya V
@welcome28 · 5:00


Also, many of the things I deal with and speak of, most people do not see. Yes, there are people who have said I'm crazy because they have not seen these things or these entities. But I feel this is an illogical approach. How? I'll say I'll give an example. For example, we cannot see a person in the next room if our vision is obscured by a wall, right?
