You welcome to your weekly reflections where we have the opportunity to pause and reflect on the past week, identifying those little tiny celebrations all the way to ginormous celebrations. I invite you to share by clicking the reply button and sharing to to three celebrations from this past week, and I will also be sharing my celebrations in a separate reply below. I look forward to hearing all of your celebrations and celebrating with you below

To share 2-3 #Celebrations, click the "Reply" button. I look forward to celebrating with you!

Sue Merlino
@SueM · 1:04
And I work with teens who are in recovery and really had a couple of breakthrough moments with a few of them this past week, and that felt really good, and I'm just happy for them. So I'm celebrating them for them. But it definitely felt good in all the work that we've done and with them helping them. So that's my celebration this week. And hopefully this coming week, there'll be a little more personal reflections


It is an area that needs a lot of support and guidance and mentorship. I am speaking from experience of being in group homes as an adolescent from age 13 to 17

My Weekly Reflections!

And I also had a pretty relaxing weekend. I got a little reading done. I always like to do that. And it was kind of raining and very blustery here in the Bay Area, so we basically stayed inside and cuddled with our dog. So that was really fun. Anyways, those are my celebrations and I want to thank each of you for sharing and continue to celebrate with you in the future. Thank you
