You welcome to the very last weekly reflections for the month of February. This is your opportunity to pause at the end of the week. Take a deep breath in nice long exhale out noticing the celebrations that occurred in the past week and if you would like, please participate and click on the reply button to share your two to three celebrations with us below. I will include my celebrations in a separate response below as well

Click "REPLY" to share 2-3 #Celebrations below. You can share tiny or ginormous celebrations. All are welcome!

My Weekly Reflections

And so I passed these out free for some clients that I've been working with, and I've gotten some great feedback on this roll on. So I have calendula, but I want to get some arnica and keep that in my apothecary so that I can keep this very simple 50 50 calendula Arnica infused oil roll on handy in my apothecary. So if folks need that, that they can purchase that. So that was a lot of fun. I took all of the rollers and a couple things
