Abhishek Deochake
@ThinkThrough · 2:51

Episode 8 | #WDIL | Power of Subtraction

Hi guys. This is the 8th episode of what did I learn? Series. Today, I'm gonna talk about a concept which I've written on my journal. It's called the power of subtraction. And the way I tumbled upon this concept is through a podcast, and they explained it very beautifully

Not all problems are solved by addition, mostly they get solve by Subtraction of things

Speaking Buddha
@Vivek.Padalia · 0:47


Thank you for sharing this concept. Power of subtraction and I like this. And you rightly mentioned that we don't need everything to carry with ourselves. It looks like that we are resolving or we are making things easier. But most of the time if we keep carrying old stuff, keep carrying old memories instead of helping or resolving, it only contributes in creating more complex situations, making more problems. So rather than part of the solutions, they are more part of the problem
