Simon De La Rosa III
@TheSimonShow · 6:07

The Virtues of Microsoft's AI Assistant "Copilot"

A Ted presentation on YouTube called AI is dangerous, but not for the reasons you think. And if you haven't heard about the presentation itself, it's in my Google Gemini swellcast. So I invite you to check that out if you haven't already. But until next time, keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars. Thank you so much for listening. Take care and God bless

#MicrosoftCopilot, #AIAssistant

Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 0:58
So I like it, the idea of it and simplifying our lives. On the surface it sounds really good, but I definitely think it's one of those things where time will tell, because we don't know, and we don't know if it totally misinterprets things, if it might totally screw things up or what will happen. This is definitely interesting topic, and I'm really looking forward to see how things actually go. Thanks for posting this. Bye
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 3:39

Who is deiving the bus?

Hey, Simon, this is wonderful. I'm all about the AI. Yeah, I really like the assistance. I think it's really great. I think that artificial intelligence gives us an opportunity, the layperson, an opportunity to become more efficient, to become more productive. Here's where I'm a little bit concerned, and we need to push on this, and information is that the AI is a tool. The AI is a tool
