Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 4:48

Teachers being " too nice".

When I was observed, I was texted by her teacher a little bit before the lesson, thank goodness, because she knew I was being observed to inform me of Laura's breakdown. During our lesson, Laura was a bit more distracted than usual. Now, I did have a visual schedule with velcroed icons that she could rip off as we were going through the different activities

#settingboundries #mentor #specialeducation #teachers #education

Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:34
Whether it was their class wouldn't want to listen to them or parents would be upset with them and would complain to the administration. I just don't really know that I ever saw many examples really of a teacher being mean and it working to their advantage or creating a space that was better for the students to be learning in. I think that you do have to obviously lay down the law from time to time, but can be done in a number of ways
Jeremiah Myer
@Jeremiah73 · 4:42
Hello, Miss Leanne. This is interesting to me this year, my first year, that I am a reading tutor, and I in no way equate that with the kind of work that you do and that full time other teachers do. I have from 09:00 to 11:00, I deal with seven students, sometimes eight, but that's on very rare occasions, and I deal with them on an individual or a pair's situation. I have these young folks anywhere from first grade to third grade
Belle 🍕
@ReySkywalker · 1:46
Like, I would get overwhelmed by all the noise in the classroom, and I would have meltdowns, and then I would be yelled at for having meltdowns. It was awful. And I don't think anyone should go through that
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 0:59


Again, it is definitely a challenge, a right to find that balance between being firm and letting the student know who's boss but not being cruel about it. And I've been teaching for a lot of years so I am able to do so. But I don't know, it was just an interesting thing to me to hear that that because I've never been told that in the 18 years I've been teaching. So wow. But thank you for your contributions
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 1:59


To be honest with you, I actually think it's a really good thing. I get what you mean about a waste, though, because especially years ago, the old school ways, you just sit down, you learn, that's it. Boom. So I get it. But don't think of it as a waste. Please don't. Because a child's mental health is just as important in a school environment. And by the way, thank you for doing that
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 1:31


It's. Wow. Thank you so much for replying. It's always great to get firsthand knowledge from people, and you definitely have that firsthand knowledge. And thank you for that. Yeah. My boss comes from general education, not a special education background. And it's been very frustrating for me, not only in instances like this, but in some cases. Right. I have to explain special education policy to him, and I'm going, but wait, dude, you're my boss
