Oraida Levi
@TalkswithOraida · 4:59

Diaries of a Single Person ❤️- Intro

A lot of people take it as a curse, a burden, and they don't take the time to actually enjoy your singleness. And I'm not talking about, oh, I'm going to go out and club, I'm going to go out and drink, I'm going to be reckless. I'm not here to judge anybody, but that's not my mo

#singleness #season #series #growth #healing

Through Dark to Light
@Darktolight · 1:03


All right. I absolutely love how you touched on enjoying the process of singleness, not looking at it as a negative thing, enjoying the journey, allowing it to cultivate who you are in this space that's powerful. I I think oftentimes people get hung up on thinking that they need a significant other to complete them, when, really, God is calling us to be whole and complete in him. Find our identity in him first. That way, we know how to love someone else healthy
Oraida Levi
@TalkswithOraida · 3:33


And not only that, I do have children. So setting that example, like, that healthy example of what relationships should be kind of like, made me see, okay, singleness is preparation. It's healing. It's growing because you cannot receive what you're not ready for. And I'm not saying that I'm not ready now, but there are still areas that I'm just like, okay, if I had a partner right now, how would I handle this?
