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Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:37

The Law of Revenge - Author Abbyshek Chandra in Conversation.

Picture this: A gripping tale of loss, betrayal and the quest for retribution set against the backdrop of power and corruption. The law of Revenge by author Abbyshek Chandra, is an emotional rollercoaster that will leave you questioning the very essence of justice. Abbyshek is a serial entrepreneur, educationist and author, and he's no stranger to the complexities of human emotions. And he joins me today to talk about the book and his writing journey

#authorinterview #askanauthor #srishtipublishers #thriller #bestseller

Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:15

1. Inspiration behind the book

So, Abbyshek, can you tell us about the inspiration behind the law of revenge? What motivated you to write this novel weaving love, politics and revenge with a twist?
Abbyshek Chandra
@abbyshekchandra · 1:20


That's what laid the foundation of the law of revenge. I didn't want to write a boring and an idealistic love story. I was very clear right from the beginning that my next novel would be a suspense thriller that would keep the readers guessing about what happens next. Revenge and political elements were obvious. If the story of Abby had to move ahead, it was challenging to think of a plot that was a sequel and also a thriller
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

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Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:17

2. Your research process for the book.

Your book intertwines elements of suspense with political intrigue. Can you tell us a bit about how you researched and developed the political backdrop of the story and how it influenced the overall narrative?
Abbyshek Chandra
@abbyshekchandra · 0:33


Quite a bit of it is from my personal experiences and interviews with some lawyer friends and political connects. For the rest of it, Google, Wavadindabad and I've read a lot of articles and news items. So much so that if you ask me to pen a news piece for a leading daily, I'll probably be able to write it like a journalist would. Let me add that the skeleton of the plot was ready without much of research. However, the research added flesh to the bones. The
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:23

3. Your approach to plotting the twists and turns in the story.

The book has unexpected twists and turns that keep readers guessing until the very end. Without giving away any spoilers, could you share your approach to plotting and structuring the story to maintain suspense and hook the attention of the reader till the very end?
Abbyshek Chandra
@abbyshekchandra · 0:32


You. Once I have the basic plot ready, I make decision trees and check how the story would pan out. Then I choose the best flow. Thinking from the point of view of readers. It is as simple as that. But you should have the ability to think from the reader's point of view. And when I write, I ensure I control the reader's mind. I make the readers think what I want them to think when I want them to think
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:40

4. Advice for aspiring authors.

I'll leave you with one more question, Abbyshek. But before that, let me thank you for taking the time out and joining me today and talking about your latest book. So here comes the last one. Your background includes founding educational ventures and writing bestselling textbooks. As an author who has achieved success in both fiction and nonfiction writing, could you share any insights or advice for aspiring writers looking to pursue their passion in storytelling?
Abbyshek Chandra
@abbyshekchandra · 0:19


Hello. The pleasure is all mine. To answer your question right from the heart and not with the intention of making money. Quite often we start thinking about what others would think when they read our book. Osekanta faraknapata. So write with absolute freedom
