Simon Buckden
@SimonSaysΒ Β·Β 0:25

#PhotoStory | A picture from a recent trip...

I am testing this to see how it works and to see whether I would like to use this new, well, not new, new to me app as another place to go to be heard and be seen and all of those kind of things, which is extremely wonderful. And you only get five minutes, which is pretty cool

#TellYourStory #sppphotosp1 #TravelPhoto #Photography

RocΓ­o (Ro) Christensen
@rocioΒ Β·Β 0:27
Hey, welcome to swell. Yeah, I mean, it's a great place to be heard and to have great conversations. So many good stories here on this app, and a lot of great travel stories. And I love this picture. I mean, it looks kind of unreal. It's so beautiful. Yeah. Let me know how you like this, the app, if you have any questions at all. And, yeah, thank you for sharing on here
Simon Buckden
@SimonSaysΒ Β·Β 0:48


And I was actually on this app, I believe, probably about two years ago. However, I've been on clubhouse for three years now, running rooms, and my time on there is possibly coming to an end. I love recording audio, so I will see how it goes, but thank you for the welcome


Well, hello there. This is a familiar voice. Welcome. These photos are stunning. Where did you take them?
Simon Buckden
@SimonSaysΒ Β·Β 0:55


Like I said, I probably got. I'm not sure how many I've got now. Maybe 30, 40,000, something like that. Probably took about 100 a day. And it's good to be able to put one or two on here. So when I respond, I will put another one on here, because that's really cool. That can do that on here. Take another picture on


So another couple of weeks or maybe a week, and we'll be fully spring like greens. And I'm excited for it. So being able to see green in this way is a gift. So thank you for sharing that


Oh, also, I don't know if you know this, but you can add multiple photos. I think you can add up to ten. Sometimes they change things, but you can add ten. I think you have to add each one individually. But yeah, you can add multiples if
Simon Buckden
@SimonSaysΒ Β·Β 2:19


And I remember going there, or I'm coming there next year, or I want to go there, or thank you, because I may never get there. And my recognition is that I use it as I use the picture to storytell. On here, though, the clever thing is a picture can draw somebody in, and I can do a dual thing on here, so I can show a picture which is nice for people to look at because it's hard to get pictures to relate to
Simon Buckden
@SimonSaysΒ Β·Β 1:21


Yeah, thank you. I literally, before, about two minutes before into this, I thought, oh, there's another plus there for another picture, I was like, okay, that's cool. So thank you for confirmation of that, because, again, I might start to. Well, I will. I will start to do some. That. For instance, I find it really cool to describe where somewhere I went or why it went
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


Yes, that's something I really appreciate about here as well, is being able to tell the audible story along with the photo or some form of a visual. I've done it on Instagram, where I'll create an issue and put audio in the background, but not very often because it's more time consuming when it's just super easy and quick. And I think you're absolutely right
Simon Buckden
@SimonSaysΒ Β·Β 4:32


So for me, on thread, it was interesting. So when I write a text post on threads, it literally almost dives, unless it's clickbait, unless I start talking about something like suicide or something kind of deeply personal. And when I attach a picture, it's almost like I can write anything I want in the caption, similar to Instagram. Because some, and it's interesting because you can tell


I guess you could say I don't have the numerous photos that you do, but I often wish that I could take the imagery, whether it's just an image or it's the moving three dimensional detailed videos that are in my head and show them to people when I'm trying to talk about concepts or ideas or things because it would make it easier for one. And I don't know, sometimes I just think they're so beautiful and so powerful
Simon Buckden
@SimonSaysΒ Β·Β 2:35


And then outside of that, in every direction is hills, greenery, rivers, waterfalls, trails, walks, the whole thing. Surrounded by it. Completely surrounded by it. So I literally, with probably, I'd say about a ten minute drive, I'm right into. So I'm right on the edge of what's called the Yorkshire Dales National park. Get in the car. There's so many cyclists around here, motorbikes


Where you live sounds so amazing. This past year or two, I've started. I've always had a black thumb, but I had a friend give me a gift of plants for my balcony last year, and it had such a huge impact on me that I was like, okay, this is it. I have to start trying to shift that black thumb
