Shawna Barnes
@ShawnaBarnes · 2:26

Henrik Ibsen | The majority is never right...

I'm always surprised by their surprise when they discover the endpoint of their wisdom. I find that the majority is rarely right when they speak for other groups, when they're really being the majority, when they're just part of the majority. And, you know, as my, my brother in law would talk about just earning the genetic lottery, that's different, you know, but I I don't know

#sdp24May1 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @arish

d f
@MrDee · 4:59
But for the most part, we would know the outcomes. And that's kind of how science is. When science doesn't produce from the elements that were put into it, somebody has to dissect it, take it apart and figure out, okay, was too much added? Was it too fast? Was there not enough? You know, there's variables to be accountable. And this is just my personal views of opinions. The gray is basically really vision. How you see
