Lornay Michaels
@ResilienceRO · 1:32

Temptation while trying to remain on the right path.

If they really wanted to spend time with me and have some fun, they ignore those suggestions. And that's when God revealed that person to me. They wasn't really for me. They just wanted to have intercourse and I wasn't into that. I now look at this person. Very different. Very different. I wouldn't think in 1000 years that this person would actually try to use me because I never came off as that type of person
J Morr
@explorewithmj · 2:11
And I encourage you to just keep moving forward in your walk with the Lord and pray for discernment. Pray to discern the spirits of people, and the Lord. Ask the Lord to give you the spirit of discernment, and he'll give it to you. He'll give it to you ungrudgingly. The Lord loves us, and you pass that test. So go you. I'm excited to follow your journey and take care, and God bless
Jessica Negrete
@GesycaKing · 0:15
You. I'm glad that you were able to stay away from that temptation, because temptation is hard, and I'm going through that right now. So I'm right there with
