LaQuita Middleton
@PowerhousePoets · 4:57

Put Some Power in Your Poetry, Poet!!!

It can be like one of these, like you have to stand on your feet and call out do call in response to the poems. It can be a poem like that, but it can be something about, hey, I missed somebody who has passed away. It does not matter. You could be talking about nature. How can you write this poem? And how can you perform this poem in a certain way to make people say, you know what? This hit me in a different way

#poetry #spokenword #powerhousepoets #poets

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:41
Hey, Laquita, nice to hear your voice. Welcome back to swell. You chose the q A feature, which actually causes us to ask you a question because that's how it's set up. So first of all, thank you for your beautiful message of being present in our own way as we find our purpose and find our voice, us to bring all we can to it. And I really appreciate that
LaQuita Middleton
@PowerhousePoets · 4:53


But anyway, I've been working on trying to do one, but instead of me just saying, oh, okay, I'm this and I'm that and this is me as a poet, I was like, how about I show them, I can tell them a little bit, but how about I use a poem to actually show them what I'm about and then kind of mix and mingle both of those worlds together in a poem? And so I had this poem that I was working on
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:12
Because in the end of the day, I think people with the power of poetic abilities, we're there to imbue power in other people. It's a cycle. And I know you have a premium channel here. And I'm just trying to think about ways for you to create master classes here where when nowhere else can people understand your feedback, but when they are part of your premium world. We could talk more about this
LaQuita Middleton
@PowerhousePoets · 3:56
How can we really go to the next generation and really let our words empower, inspire, motivate other people to do something different from what they are currently doing? And I think that once I can figure out how to tap into those classes and how to set that up, I wish I could do it here on swell. I have a premium channel, but I don't have any subscribers yet
Jayne Carson
@wsjayne · 0:11
You happy? Setting standard Saturday. Big question. I just saw a button that said ask, but it looks like record. Am I correct? Thank you in advance
LaQuita Middleton
@PowerhousePoets · 0:44


Hey, I think you are correct. I think the ask button is basically, if you listen to a podcast, and then the original poster is requesting that if you have a question about something that was said during the initial podcast episode, then you can ask a question like that. But in order for you to ask the question and for me to know that you've asked the question, you will have to record the question. So I think you're right all the way around on that
