Debbie Roppolo
@Pecansprings · 2:29

If I could be a character in any book or movie...

So if I had to be a character in either a book or a movie. Hmm. Well, I've got to say I'm split. First of all, I think I would be like Junie B. Jones, the Barbara Parks character in her books, because Junie B. Jones was always full of mischief, always full of fun, and always willing to go on an adventure

#TheSwellQuestionnaire #spptsqp1 #TellYourStory

Veena Parveen Hasan
@VirgoVeena09 · 2:06

I would love to be Maria from "Sound of Music" .

And so maybe later in life, I decided to become a teacher so that I could interact with the children and have a fun time, not only by teaching them, but bonding with them, having fun with them, playing with them, and spending a lot of happy times and creating sweet memories, which today, after my retirement, I feel that, yes, without a doubt, I would love to be Maria from Sound of music. And because I was educated in a conventional
