Debbie Roppolo
@Pecanspringsย ยทย 0:30

Guess where it is!

Good evening, everyone. This is Debbie, also known as Pecan Springs. So you probably figured out by now that I love adventure, especially traveling. So do me a favor and guess where we took this photo. You need a hint? Okay, well, here's one. I've been to Mexico, different places in the United States, and I I've also journeyed with my family into Europe. Have a great night

#TellYourStory #SwellPrompt

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardesย ยทย 1:03


Hey, Debbie. I love this game. They're ruins. I could tell by the time by the way they're not standing completed as buildings. So that makes me think about where we still have ruins. Many places in the world I'm going for I've never seen it personally, so I'm going to go for maybe Greece. Someplace in Greece. Maybe Italy. Okay, I'm going to stop there. Greece and Italy. Tell me if I'm warm


My impulse is to say somewhere in Mexico, I think, because there are some similarities between this photo and some others that I've seen, but I don't know exactly. Like, I can't pinpoint it. Is it the it? Sometimes the lighting can be very distinctive to a location, but I don't know if that's it either. If it's the color of the walls, if it's the roof of the building in the foreground. I don't know
Debbie Roppolo
@Pecanspringsย ยทย 0:11


Good morning. Seeking plum. Period. Thanks for visiting and good guess, but no, it's not Mexico
Debbie Roppolo
@Pecanspringsย ยทย 0:15


I'll give you another hint. It is ancient and it has something to do with horses. I hope I make sense. I haven't had my coffee yet, but I hope you have a great day. Bye


This is a wild guess because history was the worst class for me and I don't know much about horses, but I'm going to guess Italy just because of Rome and the Coliseum and Chariots and so on. Wild guess
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardesย ยทย 0:49


Hey, Christina. I said Rome also, and I think I'm doubling down with you. I've never been there, so I'm just guessing because of pictures that I've seen. So I'm going there. What's confusing to me are the trees, though. But I'm doubling down with Christina. I'm going for Rome. Wait. I'm also going to guess. I saw the leaning tower of Pisa, and it was similar in color in terms of bricks
Debbie Roppolo
@Pecanspringsย ยทย 0:56


Actually, you hit it right on the head. Good job. It is the Circus Maximus in Rome where they had the chariot races. A long, long time ago. I had the good fortune of being able to visit Italy. About five years ago, we went over there to visit some of my husband's family. His roots are in Italy and in Sicily. So we got to see the old Porgo Riali, the one that met its demise because of an earthquake
