PastorD Smith
@PastorDrDSmith · 5:00

Give your mind a rest; Enter into the peace of God

Supplication. Be thankful and let your request be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus. It's all through him pass your understanding. You won't even understand how you is so calm and relaxed and not frustrated because it's through Christ Jesus. Well, I just want to encourage you on today give your mind a rest and enter to the peace of God. May God bless you. This has been Pastord Dr. Darlene Smith

#PastorDrDarleneSmith; #DrLadyD; #PastorDSmith; #ProphetessofGod; #GodisGood; #RestintgeLord; #ThepeaceofGod
