So after preparing for the exams, I got some of the best colleges in India. So I chose to be a part of one that was convenient for me. I did my graduation and then I did my internships, announced some renowned fashion designers, and I am in my journey of starting a freelancer business. So let's see where it goes. But yeah, that's all for today. Bye bye. I hope you all like this. I want you to respond towards it

My journey in the world of fashion, how i started it

Kavya .
@Kavya13 · 0:59
And it goes beyond just clothing and encompasses accessories, hairs and makeup choices. And so let's embrace the creativity and let the fashion be a canvas to express our individuality. It
Aanchal Makhija
@Dr.Aanchal · 0:22


Hi Pari. You know, I feel very glad and happy when students and children like you, they follow their passion and also when parents also support your journey. So all the very best for your journey ahead. I'm sure you will do wonders in your life. And please keep posting new stuff so that we are also following you and your designs and your fashion tips. Thank you so much
