Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 8:53

The Day The workers QUIT. It’s Not My Department! Ask your machines.

What do we even call this displacement or innovation or improvement or moving forward or evolution. What do we call this? I would like to talk to the workers who have been moved around or reengineered. What kind of marketing spin are we going to put on this? What kind of human spin are we putting on this. This displacement of humans by the machine? Learning is the thing, and then they put the humans to watch the machines, but the machines don't need you

What happens to the humans when the machines take over.

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:48
Your experience really resonates with me, for sure, and I'm sure so many other people. So let's see if we can get more response here. And I appreciate your big experience there
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 3:57


I am going to have a monthly birthday party for the workers. Yeah. What do you think? We'll have a birthday party monthly for the workers. It will be a part of a swell monthly live. I've seen that here, and I think it's very cool. And I have a space downtown in our town that was sort of gifted to me, and usually these kinds of gifts were not really meant for me. It's meant for the community
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:00

A worker Displaced in Walmart by Self Check out machines

Sure, you might save a few minutes at the register, but you lose so much more in the process. You lose human interaction. You lose personalized service. You lose the sense of community that comes from dealing with real people. Walmart doesn't care about that. They'll tell you it's all about customer choice, about giving you options. But in reality, it's about one thing and one thing only. Profit margins
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:58

Displaced By Check Out Machines - A profound and multifaceted Impact on our Humans

Food, health care, and can have long lasting repercussions on their financial stability in an unstable financial place. For most folks to begin with, this filters down to education of our children. Generational poverty goes on and on and on. Secondly, there's the psychological toll of being displaced from a job they may have held for many, many years. Losing a job can cause feelings of worthlessness, inadequacies and despair. I heard a lot of despair in folks
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 3:26

Forced into the Role Of Greeter - One Empty Smile At A Time

Can you blame me for losing faith in the system that chews up good intentions and spit out hollow shells? Can you blame me? So here I am, stuck in this purgatory of consumerism, counting down the minutes until I can escape this charade. They can call me a greed or all they want, but deep down, I know the truth. I'm not here to welcome anyone. I'm here to bear witness to the slow decay of humanity, one empty smile at a time
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 3:06

The perspective of the cuatomer receiving bad service.

I missed the days when I could have a real conversation with an employee, when I felt like my business actually mattered. Now it's like I'm just another inconvenience, another obstacle in their day. It's disheartening, to say the least. But you know what? I refuse to let Walmart rob me of my dignity as a customer. I refuse to be treated like a second class citizen in a store that I used to love
Deborah Gilmore
@Transformation · 4:56

Embracing Vulnerability in Leadership!

When you see employees act a certain way, check their leadership, because biblically, everything starts from the top of the head. That's what the word of God says. It starts from the head. So when you go into an establishment, when you go into a church, when you go into a business, when you go into anything, and McDonald's, Burger king, wherever, you got to go to management. It's not the people. It's coming from management
