Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:57

The most interesting thing I have done so far this year...

And we work towards understanding those styles because we want to build these meaningful relationships. So an economic development through public art was one of the tenets of this campaign as well. Moving people around town with the history and the heritage of Tubman shopping. How do we connect public art to commerce and getting people into the stores? Art as a vehicle for change is what this thing was all about. It was so amazing. And the community came together. We had eight different programs throughout the campaign

Harriet Tubman Trail of Hope: America's Freedom Tour #BeTheBeacon #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @dbpardes

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:30
What a wonderful story and what an endeavor. What a beautiful endeavor you all took upon yourselves to create something for the community and through that process, forge community or strengthen community. It's really, really commendable and really inspiring. And the statue is beautiful. Really, really amazing. Thank you so much for sharing. I really, really liked listening to this

#Service #Sharing #GivingFromTheHeart #GreatExample

MJ Hiroshana hey, what an amazing story to be able to share with others and also to have in your heart in the core of yourself that you were able to participate in something so meaningful to so many people. Hats off to you. What a spectacular, swell cast. Thank you so much for sharing on this Easter day
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 0:23
I didn't know that she moved. I think that is such a cool idea. Oh, my. I have a newfound respect for the piece. Like, I I really. I really like that concept and that idea. Oh, my gosh. Thank you for sharing this story with us
@jowie · 0:02

R u high Again.

Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:30

@Mommas_Jungle Steeped In History Served with Love.

She partnered with another woman here from her town who actually was just diagnosed with cancer. And they. And she brought the most delicious tea cookies. And so that's another entrepreneurial venture of young women doing their thing here. And there's so many stories. And the big story really is, which is how I. How the artists and the piece came to be in our lives, actually started in Philadelphia
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:59

@Chey The Harriet Tubman Beacon of Hope Travelling monument.

And it travels around the country. So that was the idea behind this piece. He also has another Harriet traveling around, and we call her journey. And that piece is titled journey to freedom. I don't have a photo to post it here, but you'll see that one pop up from time to time here. You can do a google to journey. And, in fact, that's kind of how I met him on journey
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:59

@rocio #Bethebeacon

The poetry. Poetry was a big piece of it, or town. We have a poet laureate, Nancy Mitchell, who's a friend of mine as well, a dear friend, and she took the town on a tribute to Harriet Tubman through poetry. And it was standing room only. Who knew poetry could be so sexy? Our university, Warwick, our community college, did a poetry scholarship competition. It was fabulous
