Nupur Upadhyaya
@Nupz33 · 3:07

A chore I did not like doing, but have slowly learned to appreciate...

Sometimes it's silk, so sometimes it's a blend, and it's. I have worn two favorite shirts of mine on cirque, and I did not know it was because certain clothes blended are sometimes really misdirecting. But cotton clothes are, like, really satisfying to iron. In India, we call it dressing. So if you. If ever somebody comes to your house. So we have got, like, a lot of labor

#sdp24Apr20 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @taylor

Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 2:37
So definitely you have taken up a topic very few people talk about. So I appreciate you and definitely your observation is great. And you just keep making this kind of swell cast so that we could listen to you and we could appreciate you. Thank you
