Aysha Nihidha
@Nichuz_Ash · 3:17

Story ~ written by society

To be modest, to sacrifice, to be a perfect homemaker trained and trimmed to fit into shoes of social nodes made one size for all women to be masculine. To step up. To hide emotions. To be petriarch. To be sole breadwinner. To carry burdens of money. To be a perfect moneymaker. Trained and trimmed

#swellcast #poetsofswell #SocietysSuccessStory #GenderBias #BornAGirl #Motherhood #BornABoy #GenderBias #Stereotypes #Equality #Diversity #Rethink

Ophelia Johnson
@LadyO · 1:43

Bravo...absolutely caught my attention

So I had to allow my imagination, I had to allow your words to really penetrate my mind so I can see it as an image. And I thought you did a brilliant job. And they were pointing, and I was like, Wait, what? Wait, what? What do you mean by this age? I have to be this and by this age? And then when you start talking from the male perspective, I was like, oh, but wait a minute
Aysha Nihidha
@Nichuz_Ash · 1:08


So thank you so much for your valuable input and your reply. It means the world to me and how it means the world to me to know that you enjoyed the poem, understood it in the end, and I'm really excited that you wanted more, another perspective, how we overcame it. I'm actually thinking about it to make a second part for it as your input. It's a very deserved suggestion
