Neeti Kanungo
@NEETIspeaks · 5:00

#Perspective | The AI revolution is going to...

You, the AI revolution is going to change our lives forever. And yes, this is what we hear all the time. What does it exactly mean for an average non techie like me? Is it going to really change the way I think? Is it really going to help me in my work? Is it going to help me cook? Is it going to help me clean? Is it going to help me manage my children? Is it going to manage my daily stresses?

#AI revolution # AIbeginners # AI in every daylife #prompts for AI # changingliveswithAI

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 3:32
Hi Neeti. I absolutely agree with what you said in your spell. And I think I also look at AI that way because, yes, it is a tool, and if someone asks that whether it can overtake humans and can be more efficient than humans, I would say it in conjunction with humans can enhance efficiency when it comes to any sector or any kind of work
