Nikkeita Sharrma
@Natureadds · 5:00

Meditation is the only key to your locked soul

Hello and welcome to my channel Nature ads. I hope you're all in the pink of health and in a happy place too. Actually I'm starting up with the series on meditation, on mental health. Basically you can also term it as inner peace, soul growth, soul well being, whatever and I'm going to talk about my journey with meditation and which is why I have also given the title to this series as meditation is the only Key to your Locked Soul

#meditation #soulgrowth #mentalhealth #innerpeace #wellbeing #soul @DBPardes @candylives @peeli @Feather @kadambarigupta @kahanibaaz @PSPV @Wordsmith

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:51


With regard to the daily practice you have, is it something that includes the people you've met on this three day retreat? Do you guys connect as a group afterwards? And is that now your meditation group? I'm just curious to see if you stayed in touch and if that's part of your ritual
Nikkeita Sharrma
@Natureadds · 2:47


Because of a busy schedule, it is not always possible to practice meditation together, but we definitely make it a point to connect every alternate day or every other day, whenever possible, to talk about our journey, how it is unfolding. And also the organization, the foundation that conducted this particular retreat, they keep a check on us. They keep talking to us
