Nikkeita Sharrma
@Natureadds · 4:59

A driving incident that I will never forget...

During one of the drawing sessions, I was asked to draw a teddy bear. I'm talking about an. A four size of paper on which I was supposed to draw a teddy bear, a full size teddy bear. And there were like, some 15 to 18, you know, odd students along with me. And I was really excited because when I finished drawing, obviously, there was this reference, you know, photo for us to take inspiration from

#sdp24Apr3 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @dbpardes

Anamika Sharma
@Anami · 0:45
Hi Nikita. Your story really resonated with me, reminding me of my own childhood and the time when my own kids were young. It's true. Encouragement and praise are essential for growth and confidence, no matter your age. Unfortunately, some people have a tendency to bring others down with their words and action. I understand your reaction completely, even though from a more mature perspective, I realize it may not have been the best response
Payal Shandil Gupta
@Payal_Shandil · 1:02
No, it wasn't totally your fault. You were a child, happy and eager to show off your work. Instead, you met with disbelief, not mincing my words. You were called a liar and it is no surprise that you left doing the particular activity. It did you no favors. The fault lies totally at your uncle's feet and that the other adults could not could not appreciate rather discouraged you so much. As adults around kids, we need to be very careful about our words
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:45
Nikita, this is such an interesting interpretation of the prompt. I'm just sitting here in awe of life right now because the prompt was about literally driving a car. And you read it as driving like a force, like a. Driving as something that pushed you into a realm of understanding and of revelation. And I just never anticipated that would be that what would happen there. It's amazing. And I loved your story, and I want to see that drawing
Nikkeita Sharrma
@Natureadds · 3:03


For me, something will mean totally different, and for you, the same thing will mean, mean totally opposite. So there's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's. It's simply amazing, like you rightly said. And yes, I will definitely draw something, and I will post it here for you to see and for people to take, you know, draw inspiration. That even after, you know, so many years, that thing is there in my heart
