Naf. T.
@Naffy · 2:20


But the major reason why I personally believe that they don't know or they don't change their views or beliefs is because they lack self awareness. Because people can only change certain things, or are willing to change certain things about themselves if they're aware of it. And if they're not even aware of it, they will probably just continue living the way they are. This topic actually reminds me of a professor I was listening to who once said that people need to learn to be flexible

#sdp24Apr22 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @arish

Becky Butler
@bc75 · 3:14


And we need to. We need to reach beyond ourselves. We need to reach into the life of another. And we need to pull out from them what they have to give, and we need to give to them what we have to give. And it's an edification process, a building up. Not a tearing down, but a building up, an edification of the walls, an edification of our purpose and edification of our being. And that takes humility and that takes humility
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:32
But the catch here, and I think it's pretty fascinating, is through the process of allowing yourself to engage with other people's expressions of themselves and what they value, you do, by default open the nature to have your considerations and, you know, thought patterns shifted. And I think that's beautiful because I think that from this space, we can always be growing in a way that is truly offering the highest timeline for all of us on an individual level
