Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:50

Overwhelmed Single Mom Gives Her Children Away

I mean, in the video, she looks broken, she looks tired, she looks overwhelmed. And so, you know, a lot of the comments below this particular post was just saying that at least she did not harm these children. At least she did not take these children's lives. At least she did not do something detrimental to these kids in order to free herself of the responsibility. But it is troubling that she's willing to give her children away to anyone


Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 4:31
It's just so. So heartbreaking. We don't know the age, like you said, the age of children, the condition or the situation of this woman. The backstory does it have? She has a family support system and how much involvement. The father or fathers? We don't know if it's the same father or different fathers in this kid's life. You know, I'm sorry to use these words. It's like you're producing something that you can never use
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:54

A Courageous Act

I looked at the video and I just see a person who is numb and who is just begging for help. The act of a single mother giving up, giving her children away to anyone, to anyone. That was the part that got me. I'm here at social services. I'm handing them over to the city. We don't know the backstory, right? Because at this point, it's dependency emergency
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:49
But at some point, you have to say, I can't be a superhero to everybody. I need help. And so I applaud her seeking help. Now, the issue is, I know for a fact, like I know here in Connecticut, our department of children and Families doesn't really have voluntary services. And that's the problem because the system is so overwhelmed with kids that have. That have to be taken from their home. There isn't a respite for parents that just need help
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:58
And that foster home must show that they purchase those items. And then every month, the child is given $75 worth to be able to purchase clothing and necessities where the false parents giving it to. And then they had to show receipts that they got it for the child. So that's how it works in the state of Kentucky
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:55


That's the kind of stuff that's like, man, you make a little bit of money over the poverty line, and you are done. I remember trying to get, um, keating assistance, and, you know, it's like, no, you make too much. And I'm like. Everybody says. I remember even my student loans were like, you know, they could help me out if I was getting food stamps
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:23


You don't know. And so I definitely pray not only for the mother, but also for the children, because to learn that you know your children, to learn that your mother is giving you to someone else and you're going to be living with a stranger, I mean, I'm just like, wow, she doesn't even have family members that'll take them because, you know, I work with foster children
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:00


She may reunite with her children while they're young, and she can continue to raise them after that. But she did say that she wanted to make sure that there was an open relationship there, that she could still contact her children, still provide for her children while they're in someone else's care. So I'm gonna make a follow up. Swell to that. But, yeah, it's definitely heartbreaking
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:07


You can be a lot of different family dynamics, family structures and still be eligible to take in foster children. So everybody doesn't have the same value system. Everybody doesn't have the same family structure. So a lot of children end up falling behind, because if they're getting bounced from foster home to foster home. If they're in different school districts, that means these kids are having to change schools and be in the school where foster parent lives
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:45


It's not that they need tons of food stamps. It's not that they need Medicaid, it's not that they need, you know, all the resources, but they just need a little extra help. Maybe instead of, you know, the full food stamp guideline, they don't need that. Maybe they just need, you know, 100 extra dollars a month in food stamps just to help them get over the hump
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 1:29


Tanya, I'm looking forward to the follow up on this one. I, you know, thank you for bringing in the children. They're broken. And here's something else I'm thinking. We are in the era where we just air everything, right? And their whole abandonment is now out there for the world to see. And that's interesting. That's an interesting piece also that there was no privacy for them
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:40
Like, you can go and you can shop for clothing, and the clothing is new, and they have some other things that you can get to, and it's not. You're not paying for. You just go. You take your form that says that you were placed in foster care and that, you know, you're in a new home, and they don't question nothing else. They just. They. They just need to see their form
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:27
I got a son that's doing great. You know, I can't complain on that. But, you know, it's just hard in society. It's just hard in general. But on the people who are in foster care, I train foster parents as well as run the agency, and we tell people that these are things that you're going to deal with
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:25


You don't even want the kid. You're not concerned about this kid. This kid is fine. And so that was the thing. Like, why would you want to put your child in foster care ever if you can? And even I know there's sometimes. Sometimes it's voluntary foster care, not often because the systems are overflowed or overwhelmed. But I do remember a time when a friend of mine was pregnant
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:58


They don't know that there are certain parts of their body they have to give more attention to. And that's because a lot of them have just been pushed around from place to place, or they just have very neglectful parents that did not teach them these things growing up. I remember a foster child that has now been adopted by a family in our church, but when she was like seven, she was in a foster home and the foster mom did not do her hair
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:22
Hey, Ange, you're right. In foster care, once you do TPR, which is terminating your parental rights, you have no say. So, you know, for your friend to put the child in foster care in hopes of getting it back, you better ask a family member, do something private, because they're going to say, like, okay, you were gone for four or five years, and now you're going to try to come back
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:25
They're trying the hardest that they can, and the hardest they can is not ever good enough, and nobody wants them because of the behaviors that they've learned and they have to unlearn. So this is a very hard, hard field to work in. And I would not ever put my kid in foster care just because I was tired, because being tired of putting in foster care, that's putting them. That's just putting them in the position for failure
Jodi Lin
@JodiLin65 · 0:32
It is very sad indeed. You know, I'd like to think that I wouldn't have been in that predicament, but I'm so glad that I never had kids and therefore didn't have to face the possibility of feeling so trapped and so overwhelmed, you know, so it's. It's sad. But as you also pointed out, it's good that she didn't harm them and didn't go psycho on them in any way
d f
@MrDee · 4:59
You see that a lot, and it's not uncommon. You know, women are doing this more than ever, just dropping kids off. You know, you got the right to choice to be a mom or to not be a mom. And if that dad still wants to be a dad and she doesn't want to be a mom, the dad still can be a dad. You see how hard that is or how contradictory that is?
Well, the kind of woman that doesn't kill her kids. The kind of woman that doesn't just leave her kids in the store and take off somewhere else in another city. The kind of mom that doesn't sell her kids to some guy in exchange for drugs. This is a real, legitimate, loving mother who just needs help
