makayla j
@mjayyy99 · 14:57

Whew What A Day

And she was, like, super nice about everything, but then when it got to the point where I told her about the 50% off code and, like, how I couldn't apply it. But the customer service agent just told me, like, oh, yeah, just give them the code, and they'll be able to apply it. She was like, oh, we can't do it at this location. Only full service locations can do it

#dayinmylife #dailyswell

makayla j
@mjayyy99 · 4:58
She's holding the freaking skirt. She's holding one. And she's like, I found one. She's like, but it's in a size 14. I told her I was looking for a size ten, right? She was like, it's in a size 14. She's like, this is the only size they had left. She said, I found it hanging randomly after I looked everywhere by the tag. She's like, I think this skirt was meant for you
makayla j
@mjayyy99 · 0:56
But Leann, you are a godsend. I appreciate you so much. So, yeah, that's been my wild, crazy story of a day. I'm finally back home. I'm going to do some straightening up of my room and just do some relaxing. So I love to hear how you guys day went. And yeah, have a great rest of your evening
