Michelle Murad
@MichelleMurad · 4:56

#LAStory | My story of moving to Los Angeles...

And it's funny how after that dream, I made the decision to up and move to Los Angeles. And I typed in, of course, before I did that, I typed in Craigslist, Los Angeles, not looking for anyone in their 20s, early twenty s. I want to really focus and stay committed to this so called existence and the creative existence that is. And must have my own parking spot, must have my own room and a pool and all these things

#TellYourStory #ssplasp1 https://s.swell.life/SU6O8d2bZcBFj6A @dbpardes

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:39

@MichelleMurad https://s.swell.life/SU6ODBYHBCXCteg

So everybody gets to tell a story to each other, but some people go in front of the room and get brave. So I'm going to give that link here. And it's a great story. Thank you
Michelle Murad
@MichelleMurad · 0:59


So I would be honored to share my story and hopefully know, I think the more specific you are with the story, and this is something I learned at UCLA, especially with writing, is that be as specific as you possibly can, because the more specific you are, the more people you actually connect with, which is kind of amazing if you think about it. Right? Like, we're all from so many different backgrounds and ages and stages and country s and all the above, so
Michelle Murad
@MichelleMurad · 4:40
So I learned that specificity is important for asking what you want, because you get this one life. And if you don't ask for what you really want, whether it's dating, work, or pizza, you have no one to complain to but yourself. So that's the story. I then later just kind of just kept going with the flow. My la story is so good. It continues because I'm still here
