Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:58

Physical Boundaries

I wouldn't say, can I say, may I shake your hand? May I shake your hand? Oh, it's nice to meet you. May I shake your hand? And they could say, oh, no, I don't do that. We can do elbow bumps or oh no, I'm a hugger. That kind of thing. So that is a difference. That's also setting those boundaries with people that we live with or we work with

#Physical #boundaries #mindhealth #mentalhealth #behavior #MHNmaven #mindhealthnetwork

Ava K
@Learningtobeme · 3:08
Definitely it was something that everybody used to be on their own places and whatnot. But the few days I kind of observed that once we leave our ships, I think maybe the other team from the marketing or whatnot used to come up there and then they used to sit on our chair. That's fine. It's an open space. You can. It's the office space. But then they also used to leave, like, litters in the sense that they've eaten something
