Listen to check if you are emotionally exhausted :)

If you are emotionally exhausted, you will push doing simple tasks. You will procrastinate, and you might feel that you are lazy, but actually, it's just because of the emotional exhaustion. If you think you are going through these symptoms, it's best to take a break. And even better, if you can speak to a professional to help you analyze. If you have these symptoms for more than two weeks, up to six months, you must definitely seek help

Watch the video (link attached) and read caption for more #refferain2022

Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 1:45

Outwitting the mind @mentalhealthaid

But they will counter logic, they will counter argue and in some sense outwit you and saying, oh, I think if there are ten things that one needs to do to be mentally happy, I'm doing all those ten things. Yet despite those ten things, one understands that they're probably not ain the right headspace. So my question to you would be how do you address such a situation? Have you, in your past experience, manage to address some of these situations?

Pointing someone’s mental health struggle is not polite, gentle nudging, a book to make them realise on their own ♥️ @BasTalk

But sometimes there are people who are not ready to open up even after they realize that they need therapy. So they should be consulting a psychiatrist instead of a psychologist. And then the psychiatrist can prescribe some medicines which can help in balancing the hormone levels of serotonin or dopamine, depending on the condition of the person. And maybe there will be some medicines required before the person goes to therapy, because at therapy you generally unwind and talk about what is bothering you
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 1:56


So we have abstained from any such initiative for the last many years now. So there is no silver bullet answer to these kinds of situations or no quick fix, as it were. And it is rather difficult for people who care, who are well wishes around such people to see that somebody is actually suffering internally but not being able to get the right vocabulary or maybe the right insight to understand that this is a real situation and it requires an immediate attention
