Maretta J
@Marettaj · 4:46

Let It Happen

I didn't even consider that. I had a plan to when my youngest goes to college, the plan is to get into a nice townhouse by myself, travel the world, enjoy the company of someone, maybe, let's see, just chill out, enjoy my grandkids when they come along. But I wasn't looking for love. But sometimes things just change on you and you have to just let things happen

Why are we so guarded

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 2:05
Yeah, I think this is huge. I think this is the moment that I kind of realized that through actually living it and being surprised by something that I just occurred outside of my comfort zone and my periphery at all. That's where I started kind of feeling disconnected from people who have 35 year plans and have everything. They've got it all figured out because not that it's not good to have that
Antonia Moore
@AntoniaMoore · 1:44
You know, letting it happen is super hard. Super hard. I think it's super hard for people who are what I like to call go getters make it happen people. And that whole let it happen thing has such a passive connotation to it for especially people like me. I'm about to take charge, shake the reins, make it happen, come up with the plan. It's going to happen. But that just passive. Let it happen is a really hard thing to do
