Manalika Das
@Manalika · 1:11

In conversation with Ajay Chowdhury; author of "The Detective"

Hi everyone. So there might be a lot of situations where you might have guessed or predicted about something and it came out to be true, doesn't it? Well, it happens to me all the time and sometimes I just wish that I could write a thrilling story about it. But what if I tell you that I have the perfect crime fiction novel that will keep you hooked till the end?

#authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:19

In conversation with Ajay Chowdhury #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

Hi everyone. So who all are ready to dwell into the world of thrills and chills through the medium of literature? Well, now I welcome Mr. Ajay Chaudhary who is a tech entrepreneur, a writer and also a theatre director. So welcome, sir. I hope you are doing well and I cannot wait to have a conversation with
Ajay chowdhury · 0:04


Thanks so much. I'm really looking forward to this conversation
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:19

Q1. In conversation with Ajay Chowdhury #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

Alright, sir. So my first question for you is related to your personal life. So it is very evident that whatever we do, whatever job we do, whatever profession we are in, it definitely has an impact on our personality. So how did your background as a tech entrepreneur influence your approach to writing crime fiction?
Ajay chowdhury · 0:59


So I could really call upon all of that knowledge and be able to write the book with some real authenticity. I think that it's something that's real, it's something that's happening right now. But ultimately it had to be a good thriller. It had to be a really good murder mystery. So while the technology part of it is accurate and it's true, it was the murder mystery part that's going to keep people reading
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:46

Q2. In conversation with Ajay Chowdhury #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

So whenever we achieve something, like, I still remember when I was a kid and I won my first med middle, I was so flabbergasted. I was so happy that, yeah, I won this. I won this. So every achievement has a great impact on your life. But now you being recognized in the asian power hundred and Sunday Times to top hundred bame business leaders, it's a huge achievement. So how does this acknowledgment impact your work and perspective?
Ajay chowdhury · 2:01


And now that they've responded to it, I can essentially take more risks with the characters and begin to do more things with them to really help them stretch their wings. Because when I wrote these books, I had this whole idea of a character arc. So Kamil, for instance, is a detective from Calcutta who gets thrown out of the police force for corruption, and he ends up as a waiter in the east end of London, very depressed, very sad
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:34

Q3. In conversation with Ajay Chowdhury #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

So the juxtaposition of a high stake business deal and the discover of century old skeletons is intriguing. It's not something which we like. It's not a plot which is very common. Right. So how did you come up with this unique plot?
Ajay chowdhury · 1:53


They set up factories, they set up leather goods, they set up fab brick stores, they started selling clothes, and it was incredibly successful, and a lot of them really built fortunes over there. And 100 years later, it's now become the tech hub of London. They call it Silicon Roundabout. So a lot of the tech companies, the AI companies, they're all based around that same area
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:24

Q4. In conversation with Ajay Chowdhury #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

Well, sir, I must definitely say that this sounds very interesting. And I'll definitely recommend all my audience who is listening to this particular spellcast to go and buy this novel as soon as possible. I am pretty sure that they will be hooked till the end. So, sir, the setting of Shoreditch adds a distinctive flavor to the story as well. So how did the location influence the narrative and the entire atmosphere of the book?
Ajay chowdhury · 1:28


The other thing that's fascinating about this place is it's a great setting for a crime novel because of its history. Jack the Ripper wandered the streets of East Ends in the 1880s. There were these two vicious murderers called the Cray twins. They ran London's largest organism, organized crime network there in the 1950s. And, of course, it's so close to the Tower of London, where it's had many executions and imprisonments over hundreds and hundreds of years
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:55

Q5. In conversation with Ajay Chowdhury #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

And also, so whenever we write something, like whenever we do something, there are certain points in our mind which we think that our audience will take away these particular points or our audience will resonate with these points. So what are those important points which you believe that your audience will take away after reading your novel?
Ajay chowdhury · 1:59


So you've got this whole thing about the Israelis and the Palestinians today and all the antisemitism there and also what happened 100 years ago. So I das very, very keen to explore that, too, in terms of what people will take away from the know. I like my books to be really good stories to be really funny, to have a good twist ending, but I also like my books to have something to say
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:47

In conversation with Ajay Chowdhury #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

And you just mentioned that your next book is coming up soon, so I wish that everyone have a blast reading that as well, which I think they definitely will. The fact that you have incorporated such amazing storyline while making sure that you add certain minute details which makes it more interesting and more thrilling, I'm pretty sure everyone is going to enjoy and love it
Ajay chowdhury · 0:07


Thank you, Manalik. I've really enjoyed it and I really hope people enjoy the book and look forward to speaking more in the future. Bye
