Manalika Das
@Manalika · 4:18

Students after lockdown: Smarter or Dumber?

Like some people did study and some people did not. But I think this thing is very scary that some students utilized their time and reached great heights, whereas some students still require a lot of facilitation, a lot of efforts and a lot of understanding. And I think everybody should understand because I have seen that teachers don't understand this, that students kind of lived two years of their school life in Lockdown and they have to teach them certain things which should have been taught when they were in lockdown

#sayitonswell #whatsyourpov

gungun bansal
@gungunbansal_ · 1:26
I was actually performing really well in my academics, apart the fact that things were online. So I would say there are every type of student, they become way too smarter than they are they were and they become way too dumber than we can expect them to be. So there are both the case this. So I would appreciate those students who have actually utilized their time to being creative to come out with something new in the lockdown and passes the time with positive attitude
