Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 11:37

Have We Lost Our Minds

You know, I want to hear someone else point of view, and then, you know, they might, you know, change mine or, you know, make me look at things differently. Right. Social media is just a glimpse of people life. That's it. It's a glimpse. It's not their entire life. You're not on 24/7 because it's almost like I say, it's a Michael Jackson effect, right? Hear me out. You become a prisoner
October Selfcare
@Selfcare · 3:26


Listen to me. You are 100% right. We definitely glorified the killing, the beating, and all that crazy stuff, man. And social media is so wild, because I remember at one point, they used to not show somebody getting killed. Now the news people say, hey, we about to show you this video. If you don't like this, turn your head away or turn the tv off, right? It's, like, very vulgar to see somebody getting shot, right?
