Karen Pedroza
@kalypso72 · 4:35

Midas Cove

And then the pans, I mean, it goes on and on and on and on. Then you have your post production, there's audio producers, directors, executive directors and producers, and it's responsibility, more responsibility with each one. So if that's something that you want to do, research it first. Make sure that you know what you're getting yourself into. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm just saying be prepared

The road to Midas Cove

Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 0:22
Hello. Thank you for sharing. I love getting the behind the scenes perspective of a production. Even though I'm a New Yorker born and bred, I love a good Southern tale. So this seems really cool. So I've already followed on TikTok since I was listening and look forward to keeping track of midas. Cole seems really cool
