@JonnyCitizen · 1:21

Empath Empyre - Empaths of Swell, let's talk!

And a lot of people in the closet they shouldn't be, because empaths are very necessary, especially at this time, to promote understanding and empathy and unity and love. And I think we're great facilitators that go unrecognized, unseen, unsupported, and given no props. And I think we deserve a lot of props. Being an empath is a superpower. So step up, claim yourself and talk to me about your thoughts and your experiences. I want to hear it. Let's go

If you are an Empath O wanna hear about your experience and thoughts on correcting an Empath support group/social club/art collective with me!

DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 4:56
And not only am I going to know that you're sad, I'm going to know why. I can actually pick out of those emotions what affected you and made you sad. If you're angry, I'm going to know why. And I can kind of pick through the emotional display and those feelings and kind of figure out what is driving you. I'm really good at deciphering a person's desires
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 4:58
They have a really great selection of inexpensive stuff, but it's actually pretty high end stuff even though it's inexpensive. So everybody was out, and the store was just swamped. And I walked in and I literally wasn't there for even five minutes. And I told her, we have to leave now. I cannot be here. I have to go now. I cannot stand another minute being in the store. I just cannot take it
Quinne Brown Huffman
@Quinne · 2:02
And I think that's what I love about claiming as a superpower, because many empaths lose themselves in the feeling for others and of others. That's my little piece on that. I hope it makes sense. Thank you for opening up this conversation. Always in love, Quinn
@JonnyCitizen · 5:00

@Pixiepoet4life thank you so much for sharing your story!

For an empath to step into a situation and sort of bring to light things that maybe not that parties in a conversation might not be as comfortable bringing up or as able to articulate empaths consents and try to offer some balance or some representation, such as might be needed to bring more understanding to a situation. And to bring more unity into a situation. I think it's very, very needed
@JonnyCitizen · 4:53

@Quinne #empath #empathempyre

It's so amazing that your child was able to do that for another child. I know that growing up for me was not very pleasant. I have, in addition to a high EQ, I have an IQ. And I noticed really quickly, I was able to tell through my capacity as an empath how much nobody likes the guy that has all the answers. The term teachers, pets, and some even less favorable terms and names were branded about at my direction
Quinne Brown Huffman
@Quinne · 4:55
And it really allows us to navigate from this inner guidance, this intuitive knowing of what belongs to us and what does not. I really work with them in meditation and tuning in in the morning and evening to who they are. And this is not serious, this is not like complex. This is very child friendly, playful, checking in what was your highlights of the day, what was your low lights, and let them share as much or as little as they want
Quinne Brown Huffman
@Quinne · 0:25


I also just want to note this graphic you shared. I am going to look at it more intently and really appreciate that. So many tools out there to engage with. And this discussion is a wonderful way to reflect and figure out a way forward as parents, as humans in this world. I appreciate you
Nicole Barker
@comfykeeks · 2:01


And so many times I think we've been I know for myself I have had squashed that empathy and seen it as a weakness, that I was extra sensitive and highly attuned to energies of those around me and feelings of those around me, but it really has been through my children
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 4:29
Someone can be in my house or I am close to them or dealing with them and they are going through something that is not good emotionally, that is negative and I will feel their emotions and then it will trigger in me an emotional reaction of either sadness or sometimes anger or fear or whatever it is. If it's negative, it will trigger that and then later on that will be projected back outwards and it might be to the same person or it might be to someone else
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 4:52
Of course you absorb my emotions because I project them, and I have the ability to project them into another person. And sometimes I don't do it voluntarily. A lot of times it is because of things I feel from others that already were negative. And when I absorb those things, then it translates back outward into my sad feelings. But that's not my fault
Nicole Barker
@comfykeeks · 1:11


As I've kind of developed and understood how I am a little bit and kind of feeling the energies and trusting my intuitions and stuff in the house, I've kind of put it upon myself to be the one that needs to reset and break that. So just curious what kind of practices you found that help you release those emotions or help you process when you've been soaking up a lot that's around you?
Nicole Barker
@comfykeeks · 0:26
And just to clarify, this isn't to put that burden on you to take care of it or to fix it, but it sounds like emotionally, mentally, energy wise, it has to be very taxing on you to be both absorbing and projecting that energy. Right. I assume that doesn't make you feel very good or very exhausting. Th
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 4:20


And so the thing about that that is so sometimes confusing is that when you're that powerful of an empath, where you're feeling those types of emotional outpourings all the time, a lot of times it's very difficult for you to figure out, am I really upset about something? Am I really sad? Did something really happen in my own personal experiences that brought this emotion out of me?
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 4:09


Because like I said, I will get physically ill when I'm around Negativity, it is really difficult for me if the person does not stop behaving in the way that they're behaving or doesn't recover from the negative emotions right away. If I am constantly around them and they are still negative, it will take a physical toll on me. So I have to definitely attack it immediately. Like, where is this coming from and deal with it
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 2:37
Like, you have to live this way, how to block it, how to not. I don't want to block it. I want to grow it. And I love that I found this place, and I love that everybody's sharing. And I hope to be around a while, so I'm sure we'll hear from each other more. But I just wanted to say that I appreciate that this is even a topic here. And my first one
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 4:36


It was about the emotional issues that they already had, which is why they were turning to substance abuse in the first place. And so a lot of times I became the therapist, the counselor to my family because of that. So I understand where you're coming from, that aspect as well
Nicole Barker
@comfykeeks · 1:29


Thank you for jumping on and sharing. I was brand new myself just yesterday, so I kind of jumped in as well. But really appreciate what you shared and especially the fact that you don't want to block it
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 3:49


And I was the only one in that household that could go sit by him and make him stop by kind of having the same attitude. I was faking it. I was acting tough, but not so tough that it brought him to that level with me. But he was proud of it, so it just stopped what was going on with him. So I learned how to use it to defend others, in a way by acting out different things that I was picking up on
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 4:34


But where I just accept any kind of love because I want what I think love should be. And people just take advantage and I hate even saying it, but I'm going to do it. My own kids, they know there is no way I will ever say, get out. So you're going to take complete advantage or I'll never say, you know what I mean? Anything to hurt you. But I wonder if others have had experiences like that as well that are empath
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 4:51


So when you run across someone who just makes you feel so good and comfortable, you desire them, you want them, you sometimes even become addicted to having that feeling. But that can also be dangerous because if you are not a decent person, you can abuse it. And so what I've run into a lot is people that wanted to deal with me and wanted what I had to offer, but they weren't really willing to give back fully what I was looking for
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 4:58
And society makes it even worse because society preaches the idea of not needing anyone, of just doing it alone or self love and being for oneself. Oh, I do me, just do you. Don't worry about anybody else. And it's kind of promoted in society to not actually connect. And that connection itself makes you weak, so don't do it. And because of that ideal in society, a lot of people do not develop the ability to be open and transparent and authentic
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 4:46


They always think that they are, I think because I'm so open and I'm so loving and I'm going to pump people up. I hate to see people hurting and I hate to feel what they're feeling when somebody does them bad or whatever the case may be. But I do keep just a little bit back because so many people have done me bad. But my problem as far as the relationships have been is in the beginning it's not even just the beginning
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 4:26


And then I told him, I will date you, and I want you in some therapy, but I want long term see how this is going to give it some time. I want to see who you are because obviously I didn't know before, but I should have never even said that because I'm not going to be able to trust him
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 4:55


They may not know that you're an Empath, but they know that you have something that they want and they like how it makes them feel and they to keep from losing that will do whatever it takes and they can sense that you are a very giving person, loyal person and they will use that to their advantage. So when you get into these types of relationships, you have to work on the inward issue of learning to love yourself and love what you are
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 5:00


It's a very difficult line to walk, and it's that way for all of us as empaths. You're not the only one. I have only been married once. I am technically still married, although I've been separated from my husband for five years now. We were married for seven. And he was ridiculously abusive. He was an alcoholic and a drug addict. He beat me and physically abused me, as well as mentally and emotionally abused me
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 3:57
And so from now on when I get into a relationship that is what I am going to require and what I'm going to expect. Even if they can't do the empathic thing, they can still be honest and truthful and loving and caring and still give a part of themselves. Because people have regular relationships in this world all the time. I just haven't run into the good ones. I've run into all these bad people. Because unfortunately what we draw as impasse are a lot of narcissists
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 4:44


It's like this awesome connection just serving each other. And I don't understand how people okay, so maybe it's a night being naive thing because like you you said said you didn't know that there were actually people out there like, that. I didn't know that people could do the things that they do, the types of abuse that I've suffered, the things that have been done to me
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 4:59


Even after five years of being away from him, he is still clinging to me, and I am still dealing with the fallout of that all of the time. And so I know what it's like to be in this position and to constantly second guess yourself and be constantly on the edge of sadness about what you are. And then that feeling of not being able to escape, it like I want to walk away, but I just can't
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 4:43
And I think that's kind of where I'm finding myself at but not understanding. I still knew that by my staying not only to benefit them, to benefit me because I'm not done helping them and I need them now because maybe I am addicted to that feeling that was there and need it because I haven't ever had it. Like any kind of real healthy love. I don't know what swell. I've never even seen healthy love healthy relationships, but I want it
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 4:10
And I've even kind of started the whole meditating with your inner child and trying to let somebody love her too, let somebody love me at every stage of my life where all this crap was going on. And I'm tired of the repeated trauma. So I need to protect me instead of just protecting everyone else, which is what I'm good at. But I need also conversations like this. And you're a beautiful soul. And I can feel your energy just through this
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 4:55


No matter how much of their emotions I feel, I am not actually experiencing in real time being inside their mind and their heart while they are going through these things, because I'm not them. And it is very hard to separate yourself from another person because when you're an empath, you do feel everything they feel. And it's a lot of times so hard to remember, these are not my feelings. These are the feelings of someone else. I am me and they are them
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 2:24


And that is something I truly treasure and value is the ability to still have enough positive energy to open yourself up to possibilities. And I'm so glad that you did. And I'm so grateful for you tonight and grateful that this has happened. And I do not think there are coincidences. I believe definitely that it happened for a reason
Angie Newell
@beyondthescars · 3:52

Being an empath is an at times painful superpower.

But I'm very thankful to be an empath because it gives me the knowledge to be able to help people and be kind to people and be gentle with those that need gentleness in their lives. And coming from a very abusive life, it gives me more compassion for others, but at the same time, it isolates me from fear, if that makes sense. But I am very appreciative of being an empath, and I think it's a very, very wonderful superpower to have
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 2:50


But it takes time and experience and sometimes pain to figure out how to wield it. And so I know exactly how you feel and where you're coming from. And I just want you to know that there are safe spaces for us out there. Sometimes it takes a while to find them or to find the people who will be our soft landing, but they do exist
@JonnyCitizen · 2:49

@comfykeeks #empath #wisdom

I did not have a parent, either one or anyone in my family at all, actually. No one in my life, really, if I'm being honest. And we're going there and we are to show me, to lead me, to guide me. Fortunately, I have really good instincts, so I've done all right. But anything that you have been able to share with your kids, I would love to hear
