Gentle Flame By India
@INDIA333 · 4:41

#TellYourStory | Lines from a poem that I can never forget...

And I always seem to get exactly what it is that I need from it at that time. And I always keep it on my phone, and I'll go back and read it whenever I need to. And a little something I want you guys to keep in mind. This is something that this poem does for me. This is something that I keep in the back of my mind when I refer to this poem. No matter the situation, there's always a way out

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp14 @arish #india333

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:13
That was such a beautiful poem and read so beautifully. And everything that you said afterwards, I think those are lines that I won't forget, so thank you for sharing them on here
