Countless sons have poured their stardust into the miracle that you are. And the tip of your finger, which gently moves a shifting jigsaw of clouds into a perfect fit of rain song is hard work of perfection. This afternoon there is an inner listening of hymns. And you are a leaf that sails upon the notes of a distant flute. You are the stirring and whirling of every subatomic movement that celebrates aliveness. You are the stirring and whirling of every subatomic movement that celebrates aliveness

#love #divine #poetry

Adenike Nana Esie
@nourishyou · 2:37
I do feel kind of hopeful when I hear other people's work. JIT reminds me that poetry is only ever a moment away. So I'm hoping that I find my moments again soon, once I'm fully recovered. So thank you for sharing. Thank you for inviting me to listen. It's been a few days since I've been able to do that intently, but I'm glad I did. Slight medicine
