Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 2:01

EMOTIONAL ABUSE : Introduction & Quote

And maybe someone listening could glean some new information that they could use. And some others might have a real perspective because they got through something like this. I'm going to read the quote and let's just get into it and talk. And I'm looking forward to your authenticity, your bravery, your generosity to talk about such a difficult topic. Victims of emotional abuse can experience more severe psychological reactions

#EmotionalAbuse #PsychologicalAbuse #MentalAbuse #EmotionalTrauma #Help #Resilience

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:35
Because for the longest time, I was told by my first husband, no one's ever gonna want you. You know, you're not miss America, you know? And that was a bald faced lie because here it is. I'm on husband number three. And my husband loves and adores me. And I love and adore him too. But the emotional abuse that my ex husband put on me has trickled down into my marriage even today, after 15, 1617 years

@hope Here's my experience of #emotionalabuse from #narcissisticmother. #selflove and #selfcompassion have helped me heal myself and trust myself. 🙏🏼

I wanted love so badly that I would please people at the cost of becoming a doormat, so that I could get a tiny bit of love from others. And I realized how much. How much of her behavior, how much of being around her and walking on eggshells because she was so angry all the time, how much that affected me. And it has taken years to overcome this emotional abuse which I found myself continuing on myself
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 0:25


Nia, I just wanted to thank you for recounting your childhood and for being so generous and clear about the journey back to your own heart. I just think this topic is so important and clearly it resonates with you, and I think so many people can relate. So thank you so much
Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 0:34


And Evelyn. You know, it's so incredible to hear your perspective where you are now. Knowing where you were and the significance of this topic for you. You live into it at this point because I know you've brought this topic up before. And thank you for bringing up your resolve to knowing that your proof, your proof, your walking proof that you are who you are. You're not defined by someone else's opinion of you. So thank you for that
Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 1:16


And I just pray that you have a life now that reflects your health and you're always striving to keep the voices out of your own head that are not yours. And just continue to be as generous as you are to keep it fluid and keep it as a living, breathing process. Because I think people get stuck when they don't. They keep it in the shadows and they don't work on self love and self compassion. All these replies today were so magnificent
Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 1:42
I'd like to offer this to wisdom, who herself has posted on this this swell podcast, and my friend, whose experience with her mother and emotional abuse inspired this song. Mama, can I talk to you? There's something pressing on my mind I know you did your best to raise me right but sometimes you were so unkind I'm torn, you see between standing up for myself and loyalty but it's real the way I feel when I needed you the most, you didn't care?
Valerie Hutchens
@Valerie · 0:38
Thank you so much for doing this tonight. It's really gonna help me. I have some things going on right now in my life, and I really need to focus on myself, my mental health, going through some things, thinking about things that happened to me in the past. And it's not where I want to be living right now. So I'm looking forward to this group and wanting to start over. I'm just grateful. Thanks


Thank you so much. Essie Lane, this is wisdom. I appreciate the feelings in your song. I appreciate the intention behind your song. And I can say that you wish for everybody to heal, and that's special. That's really nice. That's very kind of you. Thank you so much for taking the time to do that and respond. Take care

@hope Thank you!

Thank you. Hope for having and creating this space, the safe space for everybody to share. I appreciate it so much. Thank you for responding. I think it's very. I feel acknowledged. Thank you. I feel heard. Thank you so much. And I think as humans, it's a very beautiful thing to experience and to create that experience. I think it's a privilege, it's an honor. It's a service. You're doing a great job
Dare Strickland
@DareD2 · 5:00


And we eventually got married, which I didn't want to. Pretty much had to. And he tried to back out of that. But back then, you didn't do anything about it. But our whole marriage. Our whole marriage was 42 years long. Had three kids. But I was never allowed to. To communicate with this person. You say, where are you going when they're putting on their coat? Or they're leaving the house. Why?
Dare Strickland
@DareD2 · 5:00


And I said, well, I'm tired of looking for him. So, no. And he said, I'm not going to beg you, and went right back to the same personality. And I knew I had done the right thing. I've been blamed sometimes from my children because the family was broken up and everything's scattered, as it does when you lose the home place

L-O-V-E holds the power of a car or even a gun.

People who love someone so intensely that they give themselves to the other person and sacrifice their own needs often leads to abuse. And this abuse isn't someone asking your name and proceeding to smack you about the face. That's what a stupid person might do. In fact, there's a method referred to as gaslighting. I'm sure you've heard it and the term itself isn't


Do with that what you will, and I would encourage you to listen to my response to this post as well, because I have a feeling that it may help you. Anyway, God bless you. And it may not seem like it, but you've got this
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 5:00

Our Fractured Selves. #EmotionalAbuse

And it inevitably changes my reaction to life, my reaction to work life, my reaction to my child life, my reaction to stubbing my toe, my reaction to my family, my reaction to humans, my reactions to intimacy, my reactions to something that seems so simple, what's simple for someone else or clear reacted. Under my emotional abuse map, it's different
