Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:32

‘We REAL Cool’ by Gwendolyn Brooks, a POPULAR Poem I Often See( Poem and Reaction)

We real cool by Gwendolyn Brooks the pool players seven at the golden shovel we reel cool we left school, we lurk late, we strike straight, we sing sin we thin jin we jazz June we die soon. So this poem is a very popular poem. I see it often in literature books. I've seen it when I was in college. I've seen it a lot of places. And so I think it's really straightened to the point

#ClassicPoetry #GwendolynBrooks #PoetryAnalysis

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:20


Oh, Erica, thank you so much for this. It's so cool that you went over to lit shards, too. I feel like it's such a relevant poem. I mean, that's a timeless poem, right? Because every generation has their badass seasons when they're just doing everything they want to do with the gusto of rebellion and youth, and it doesn't catch up to you so fast
Todd Heimbecker
@noarms · 0:21
Hi again. Thanks for the great poem. And also, I just want to let you know I started subscribed by email to that poem a day you mentioned about in one of your past stories. About three days ago, I started to subscribe to that poem a day that you mentioned about. Thanks for letting me know about that. Take care and keep the poems coming. Have a great weekend
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:11


Hi, Debra. Thank you for your enlightening response. I was just going to say, and I thought about it after the fact that it has, like, a jazz, like rhythm. It's very musical. And I agree with you, the die part is not the bad part because none of us are immortal. It seems like the speaker tried to make it, tried to make a statement statement or make it haunting. But it definitely doesn't mean that it's bad
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 0:39


Hey, Todd. Thank you for subscribing to the poems a day. I'm behind in it, but the poems that I have read, I think I'm only a couple days behind, but the ones that I have read are just so genuine and I love it. It gets your day going, much like prayer or meditation. I love reading poetry in the day and also at night. There's a book of poems I read called Poetry for the night, and that was really good
Becky Butler
@bc75 · 4:40

#reply #werealcool #goldenshovel #insight #perspective #paradigm

And I was finding any way I could to numb myself so that I could continue without cracking, without fracturing. But little did I know I was already fractured, I was already broken. And what I needed to do was let God pick up my brokenness and the pieces of me that no longer need to be and put me back together in his grout to make me into a mosaic. My original purpose as teacup is no longer because I've been broken, but I do have purpose as art
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:33


You know, even though we're all gonna go someday, why would we want to do things that shorten our life? I think of a lot of people who lost their life in interesting ways. I think of the notorious b I. G and Tupac Shakur, and they were only 24 and 25, you know, when they died. And this is not to say that they were bad people, because I don't think they were bad people just because they rapped
