J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:52

You Said You’re Open, But Are You?

And this restaurant still is not able to handle the capacity of the volume and attention that it has received from these content creators followers. And so I also said to the person, I said, and the restaurants need to take an honest assessment and there needs to be this mutual agreement, maybe even a contract to a certain extent that they are prepared, or if they're not, the content will not be shared or it'll be taken down or they'll come back and give a more updated review


Zara Smith
@Zara62183 · 1:24
In my opinion, I feel like maybe the locals should be, you know, have a 90 day window maybe, of, okay, this is when these people are going to be showing up, or this is a time frame when they're going to be showing up. So
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:17


By that time, the restaurant has had time to figure out their delivery turnaround time of products and food. They have had a chance to hire the amount of staff that they need to gradually increase in scale of customer demand. They have had time to improve some efficiencies along the way. So I like that idea of some type of 90 day plan in terms of us as me being a local who just simply wants to go out and try a new restaurant or to have brunch or lunch or dinner or whatever
Zara Smith
@Zara62183 · 1:18
But I'm more than down to share stuff, and I'm more than down to be involved in anything either. If I could do that as well, I'm willing to learn. I think that we could conversate more, and I have a lot of ideas and I really would like to eventually use them, but I don't want to put too many out there and then people take them. You know what I mean?
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:11
Hey, JL, here's my opinion on this. I'm thinking of the scripture. I'm not sure if I'm saying it exactly, but it's like, do not despise the day of small beginnings. I think everybody's trying to start on top. They're trying to be in the starting lineup. They want to be the star quarterback or star pitcher, be a rookie. Restaurants have a very high mortality rate
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:40
Hey, jail. Actually, I feel like this because I do think that the restaurant should be ready. But unfortunately, during many grand openings, whether it's advertised or not, people are not ready. And the food usually sucks when it first opens, unless somebody's in there and that's a friend or something, then they doing this or that. But usually, from my experience, it sucks and they don't have their stuff
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:28
It. Yeah, I don't really rush out to restaurants when they first open because I know they're not going to be ready. I mean, if they do a lot of promotions and stuff like on the radio, on the tv, word of mouth, then, yeah, they're going to be bombarded pretty much
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 4:06

@Her_Sisu Management needs help 🙏🏾 #time #projectmanagement #people

And then it increases their chance of being able to say, hey, let's do Sunday brunch here. Let's dot, dot, dot. So I just think there's a couple of things regarding processes around thinking, the tools that they're using, how to understand how to manage high peak times during the day, as well as also what are the ways that we're incentivizing our patronage to be able to really be our best brand ambassadors. And
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:55


What I meant by that barred concept is you had shared a thought, you had expressed something, and I can't remember exactly what it was at this point, but you had expressed something. Oh, the 90 day concept, that's what it was. You had expressed something. And here's the thing. My interpretation of it could be different than how you were relaying it
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:34


And so that's how in my mind, it lands as premature when someone is not able to handle it, when they go after the instant fame and fortune, and then they're not able to handle it or sustain it. And like we agree on, we want them to be successful. Take your time in getting there, because like you mentioned, it's going to be your everyday local community that supports you than that one celebrity or deep pocketed person that comes by every now and then
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:49


And as I mentioned, I believe these people that are reaching out to these content creators, if they're going to do that, do it with some level of accountability and be prepared. Either you're going to open up kitha full staff as if you've been opened for 20 years already, or don't reach out to the content creators yet
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:00


And that's simply what I am saying in agreement, in alignment, which is have some type of a plan. You're going to put forth the effort to ask content creators to put your stuff out there. You're going to put money into marketing, you're going to promote, promote, promote, have a plan, have a plan
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:57


And I remember thinking, I don't want this restaurant to close down because I really want to experience it. And it didn't. It survived. Actually, they did another piece on her. They being the media, local media piece on her, because all of her restaurants survived. Covid, the ones that she had open at the time. And they talked about how she was using out of the box tactics to the other restaurant. Tours in the area followed because it was successful
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 2:41

@Her_Sisu Fascinating... #foodie #eat #meal #preference

Absent, like, eating from a chef at a company retreat, I would say I've yet to have eaten out something that's like, oh, have to have it. Yeah, there's really yummy food. But for me, it's not worth the restaurant experience. It's not worth having to give up eating in my pajamas with my drink of choice and being able to watch a show
Zara Smith
@Zara62183 · 0:44


You. Thank you. I wasn't sure. And I always like to ask questions if I'm unsure, even if I think I know exactly what some people are talking about. But I still like to ask questions if I'm not 100%. And I wish you the best of luck on things. And I totally understand what you mean by abundance and sharing. And I'm just trying to break down and break down my stuff and all that and just try to let things flow
