J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:11

What In The Swell?! 🤬

I am inspired in that moment and I tend to do a swell in that moment or respond in that moment. And so one of the moments that I tend to listen to swell is right before I start my evening routine. And there have been times that I'm in the middle of listening to your swellcast or even responding to your swellcast and I fall asleep. My bedroom is my safe place. My home is my safe haven. My bedroom is my safe place. It's my sanctuary


Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:27


And I was really proud of the swell, really proud of how it came out. I'm not going to do that again. I'm going to record everything second time. But then I was like, whatever. And then I went back to listen to it, and I was really willing to deal with it. Willing to deal with it, be like, all right, whatever. It's so nice. The swell that I did was so nice
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:24


First of all, that's hilarious. That's hilarious that you swell recognize that it sounded chesterish, even though it was about your own kids. And I know that it's not your intention. That's not what you intended it to be. I know you intended it to be an excellent swell, just like the other ones that you put out. But that's funny that you're able to catch it. I think that's interesting
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:56

She Farts!!! Lmbooo😜🤪

Or my husband will start saying something from the bathroom and I'm just like, oh, my God. So, yeah, sometimes that happens, right? Life happens. Or I'll get a phone call or the tv will start playing or it'll be really loud all of a sudden. And then I'm just like, okay, fine, rerecord. And then sometimes I've already done such an excellent job and then I have to rerecord it. It's really hard


I wish I had a really good one for this, but I don't. I've had some weird things that I've done on other social platforms. So for example, like writing a comment, let's say, on Instagram, I haven't done this in a while, but where I'm starting to fall asleep while I'm typing
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:53
Ojl this just made me crack up because I'm in the habit of listening to my swells. Not just the swells I record, but my replies. I'll go back and listen just to make sure everything's copacetic because this little microphone button, there's been times when I thought I hit pause and it was still recording. And once I finish talking on a swell, I'm probably going to move something around, I might even burp or something
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:14


I just think that people are like clutching their kids a little closer, like, why is she by herself coming to see this kid's movie? That's what I was thinking about when you were talking about the situation with the podcast and how it sounds. Thank you again for jumping in on this full casting, adding a comment, leading the way in adding a comment, and being a very open and fun and engaging person
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:26


Can you believe that? Like, she's just going to fart and not even acknowledge it. Anyway, I have not personally heard your dog fart in the background. And as you mentioned, you do stop and rerecord. Oh, my gosh, that is too funny
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:59


I don't know if I'm ready to say that's a goal yet. I will say that's a new level of I got your back and I know you have mine bestiness that I am all the way here for. I'm just trying to imagine, especially the day, the emotional day I had last week when my mom went to the hospital
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:54


Hey Angela, thank you so much for commenting on this swell. You know, when you said burping and okay, well, let me start over. Listen, I get it. And I know you have commented on my issue that I've had in the past with the swell soft wear and iOS software, and it not connecting in some way and it impacting my ability to record. And although I had one minor glitch the other day, I had not had a glitch in a while


I'm glad I could bring some laughter to your day. That's it exactly. It's like when you're least expecting it, or when you're having a really thinky thinky or serious conversation, and then all of a sudden she lets one rip or either one of us belches. It's good. And even if you don't have somebody to do that with, sometimes just sending. We send each other memes and stuff like that, or quotes or anything
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:57


Because in the show, his spouse is like, you need to let it go. He's just sitting there staring just off into the distance, just absolutely, just devastated. It's a really good episode, but the entire series is incredible. But, yeah, Jl, thank you. Like I said, thank you for just being you. I mean, I wouldn't re swell you if I didn't like stuff that you put up. And that's the thing is, you're all
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 1:39


It's a finnish word, and it describes the elements of being resilient, tenacity and purpose, grit, bravery, determination. And I named my business that because three years ago, I started my business creating evidence based material for survivors of domestic violence. I'm a survivor myself
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 2:41


And yeah, the new season, I think they're going to go deeper into the feeling because when I watched that episode and you could just go to that episode and watch it, but that specific episode, because it's catching everyone's attention right now and it even caught my wife and I's attention. Or just how his despair in his gaze and his wife's just trying to hold it together. It's so real life in a cartoon. It's incredible
Tamie K
@Tamiek · 0:44
When I played back the swell before I posted it had picked up every f bomb out of his mouth while I was talking about my God experiences, so I had to wait until he was off the phone and record the whole thing over again. I was so mad. Bye
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 1:57


Nonetheless, I would have just hysterically laughed because I truly believe that God has a sense of humor, and it would have been perfect for me with the type of relationship that I have with God and my sense of humor, I would have definitely appreciated it. Now, I think about some of the non believers that I speak with, and if they would have heard something like that, where their mind would have taken it and where it would have gone, just truly funny. These moments happen
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:42


It's girl. Yes. She is foul. Real foul. And she just turns around and looks at me like, you, heard that, right? And I'm like, how did I miss that? Like, it's in my face. And she'll sit right outside my office and do it. And I'm like, could you please go somewhere else? But she wants to be right up under me
