Heidi H
@heidi · 1:23

The life hack I swear by...

Let the mixture sit on your head for about five minutes and then go ahead and rinse it out with your regular wash routine and you will feel how much clean your hair is, how much better you feel, and it definitely works. I still like to do it at home every now and then. I love to do it when I come back from a trip, when I use a lot of dry shampoo because dry shampoo is not good for your scalp and totally clogs your pores

#sdp24Apr2 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @rocio


That's interesting. I've used the combination in cleaning, but I've not used it in cleaning myself. A question. Do you think you could swap out the vinegar for apple cider vinegar? I mean, I've never stuck my nose into a bottle of apple cider vinegar, but I'm guessing it might smell less pungent or a little more appealing. But I don't know if that's the case
Heidi H
@heidi · 0:50


I personally don't like the smell of apple cider vinegar. I think white vinegar smells better, but they're both, you know, very aromatic. If we'll say so. I do think you can dilute them with water. My boss actually used to use apple cider vinegar to absorb the oil in her hair because she didn't like using dry shampoo
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


That's interesting. I've not heard of using apple cider with a cotton ball in that way. Or even, say, white vinegar in that way. I'm going to experiment with that. And also now I want to do a side by side smell test between the two. Anyway, thank you for this. Thank you
