Robert Jenkins
@Guruball1 · 3:18

Nba vs Wnba 3 point shootout battle.

Welcome to APB, all point bulletin, sports, news and entertainment channel. And I'm your host, guru ball one. Well, this is it. This is something that is going to be the second battle of the sexes. I remember Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs doing it. I was a young kid and they went against each other in tennis. And now the WNBA UNESCO will be shooting against Steph Curry on February 17, right before the three point shootout
phil spade
@Phil · 2:59

Ball size

And there's a lot of smaller guys in the NBA, and I imagine women in the WNBA that will use their whole body and get more of a jump shot in there and put their whole body in. And that takes time. And you are timed here. There's only so much time that you have to shoot, and you have to do it quickly. And the more that you put your entire body into it, the more tired you can possibly get, the more fatigued
Robert Jenkins
@Guruball1 · 3:02


But then with the distance going in, and I think it's going to be a great match. I love it. I just can't wait to see it. I'm hoping that this will become something that can merge the NBA and the WNBA together
