Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 4:59

#TellYourStory | An experience with nature that taught me an important lesson...

As they started to fly back to their nest, we realized that they had been bathing in the sun all this while. It was indeed a sight to remember. As the bees had enjoyed basking in the sun, they rolled around and flapped their wings to give every inch of their tiny bodies a share of the warm sun. It was an amazing scenario that we will remember for a lifetime. We understood that it was their way of loving themselves

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Mar3 @wordsmith

Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 2:16
And it can blossom just anywhere. And this is how human beings should also blossom. They only need a little bit of attention. They need the right kind of environment for themselves. And if that environment is right and perfect for them, conducive for their growth, they can also blossom anywhere. So you don't need a very special place for you to grow. You can grow anywhere you are planted. And this is what we can learn from nature
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:21


Thank you so much, Swati, for always being so supportive and sharing such beautiful insights with us. I mean, I really like what you talk about. That you can bloom wherever you are planted. I think that's really very important. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful lesson with us. Have a lovely evening. Bye
ankush ayappan
@ankushayappan · 2:43
The nature tells us something that in life, whatever we get, ups and downs, the problem, happiness or whatever we get, we need to get back once again. Because the climates will be like, there will be summer season, there will be rainy season, there will be winter season, there will say autumn. Sometimes it will draught. But whatever happens, the trees and the plants, they keep growing. They will be keep growing
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:30


You. Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful perspectives with us. And yes, you know, whatever be the season, the plants keep growing and they provide shade to the people. And there is so much to be learned from them and from nature, from animals, from birds and from the seasons. And thank you so much for sharing this and stay connected. Thank you so much
Geetha Kariappa
@angelface7 · 3:09
If those bees are capable of loving themselves, taking care of themselves and boosting their, you could say well being, boosting themselves so that they will keep accumulating honey, collecting honey and gathering all those activities that they do. So they are recharging themselves. And it's so true what you said. Nature gives us clues as to how to love ourselves. But we just don't look at the nature, we don't look at what is the pattern that is happening around us
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:16


And when you were talking about your family, I too was thinking about my reminiscing my childhood and wondering how things could have been if we were still in a joint family. So thank you so much for that reminder. And thank you so much for your perspectives. Keep sharing and keep interacting. I would love to hear from you. Take care. Bye
Payal Shandil Gupta
@Payal_Shandil · 1:27
And again you're right in bringing it up. Self love and self care are rated amongst the least important things and to just tell someone that oh I'm not up to this, forget about work but a social engagement because I'd rather spend time with myself is considered rude. Hopefully your book and your efforts and millions of other people who are working in the same direction will help us remove this taboo. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to hearing from you again
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:26


Thank you so much payal. It's lovely to hear from you. And I just wish that this taboo just gets removed. And we are okay with saying no and to social engagements and saying yes to ourselves whenever we need it. Thank you so much for interacting and let's stay connected. Bye
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:05
Anjana Kamo wonderful, swell and look forward to hearing more from
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:02


Most welcome. Bye
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:56
Sometimes because of circumstances, because of the stress that you're handling, you will actually forget to pamper yourself. That should not be done. You should always pamper yourself. Always find time to do things that you love to do because that gives you a lot of new energy and that will actually help you out, overcome all the stress and strain that you're going through. Thank you, Ranjana, for such a wonderful message. Wishing you a very happy human's day
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:20


Thank you, Gauri, and wish you a very happy women's day. Yeah, you're absolutely right in saying that this me time rejuvenates us and it helps us look at things in a different perspective. And we are able to do much better and think better when we have rested. Thank you so much. Bye
