Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 2:16

There's More to Life Than Arguing Online

So I sit here perplexed, quite perplexed that somehow, some way, someone finds this to be a good use of time. Mmm. Maybe I should do some swells around time. Just how precious it is. And why. Why we shouldn't be wasting it. So curious. Curious to hear your thoughts. Because I really do think that there's more to life than arguing online. But what do you think?

Maybe try... Enjoying Life #tryit #moveon #bebetter #dobetter #people

morgan cannata
@natta · 0:35
Hey, I'm so curious. What's got you so hype about this? Did you get a comment on one of your swells? There's obviously so much banter online or even rude, disrespectful remarks that I don't think anyone would say in person. It's like someone gets really brave when they're behind the keyboard. So, yeah, thanks for calling this out, and I hope you do get to do some of those things you mentioned that are a better use of time
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 2:37

@natta Hype? The behavior itself

And I think that for me, I just, as I said, I mean, to be honest, it's a type of behavior that, not only for me, kind of perplexes me, because I just, I just, I'm trying to wrap my mind around why someone would want to use time this way, but also just thinking through. Communication should always be purposeful. How is this purposeful? Communication should always be strategic. How is this strategic? Communication should be a value add
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:57
Their pride will not allow them to walk away from a conversation until they have the last word. So it's childish. And I agree with you. I don't have all day to be arguing with people on Facebook or any platform. I ain't got all day. I'll let you have the final say and I'll move on. Because my peace is more important to me than anything. Time and peace. My peace is important
