Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8Β Β·Β 3:06

Trust: Fact or Fiction

You. Hey, swell community. I have talked about trust in other mediums and platforms, but I haven't talked about it here. So, given all the really profound, deep shares and conversations, I expect quite a bit of follow up and replies to this. To this. And I welcome that because this is something that we will think about, deal with, and entertain, ignore, disregard for the rest of our lives. What am I talking about? I'm talking about trust

Trust and live with regret? #content #people #emotions #expectations #sad #feelings


Wow. Fictionally more attractive than factually practiced. I love this. And I think it fits more than just the concept or idea of trust. So many different areas I could think of. And I think it's partly because the attractive fiction creates an absolute notion of trust loyalty. The one when talking about romantic relationships, et cetera, without allowing for the complexity and nuance of human existence. We are fallible. We are hypocritical. There is no perfect human, perfect existence
Susi Lawson
@susisouljourneyΒ Β·Β 3:29
And yet I know this is public forum, but at the end of the swell it says, do you want to share? And always say no. Like, I cop out of that. Right. But yeah, I don't know if I'm trusting this platform too much. Is it going to start sharing things on my Facebook? I was tagged on Instagram just recently, which was okay. And I'm making sure I don't post pictures that are too private
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8Β Β·Β 4:22

@SeekingPlumb Trust is the ultimate mystery box βœ… #content #connection #people #feelings

Because I am a big fan of the law of attraction, and I think that if you hone in too much on all the negative outcomes that can happen, you're really communicating to the universe your invitation to those situations. And that's neither helpful nor actually what people want. People want the best or the ideal, typically, and then to kind of be okay if that doesn't happen, but you don't really want to plan for that
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8Β Β·Β 4:26

@susisouljourney Is there anything that's ever private? #conversation #people #open #minded #content #share

And at the end of the day, what I do really find inspiring about this platform is what you said, is that there's a lot of cathartic conversations that are happening here. There's a lot of people sharing their truth in a way that they wouldn't share elsewhere. So how amazing and special is that?
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 2:55


I agree with you. I also agree with your parents. Your parents didn't say that about them, right? You were supposed to trust them, right? Because that's kind of the thing for me. What I teach my kids is that mommy and daddy are the two people that you can trust. You guarantee trust, and that's the only. It's our inner circle, the four of us, two sisters and mommy and daddy are the trust circle. And that's how it works
Susi Lawson
@susisouljourneyΒ Β·Β 2:05


But that's also beautiful because, yeah, it's allowing the diversity of any age group, any nationality, ethnicity, on and on to come here and comment on anything they want, which we can't go to the local coffee shop and have that. Right. So that is the beautiful thing about this platform. And to actually hear our voices and our accents and get the energy from each other, there's a lot that can be gained from that. Yeah, it's
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 4:22


It's a solution to the problem, I believe, because people aren't mean when they leave voice messages to each other, when they're talking, when they're speaking also, you can listen to what everything someone says and hop in. Or you could just sit there and listen to everything and then have a response. It's not like no one's interrupting each other. You're not seeing things that are really counter to your opinion, probably. I mean, I've never encountered that
Gary Brown
@garyplaysboneΒ Β·Β 2:48

@DressingRoom8 @SeekingPlumb @susisouljourney @RoosterCollins #trust

You. Hey. Wow, this is a really deep topic. So many great responses. And I would like to go back to the original question, which is, is it fictitious or is it real? I think trust. To me it's both a noun and a verb. It's a thing, but to me it's a dial. You can dial it in low, you can dial it in high
Kwa NateKo
@kwaΒ Β·Β 4:59
Because it is a self evident thing, right? No matter what you call it, it is what it represents itself to be. And you can check that because the assumptions you make have to work all the time for it to be true indefinitely. It's self evident, something like that. I could say I put my faith in to some degree
Kwa NateKo
@kwaΒ Β·Β 4:23
I don't understand it because I think it's inherently going to give you a flawed view of the world. Not that I'm going to ever have a perfect one, but I don't see the point of putting my faith or trust in any of those types of entities in politics, for example, because I don't know that that's going to make anything actually any more transparent for me. So I feel this
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 1:20


But is this person trustworthy or not? You could establish it pretty quickly if you pay attention. You just have to watch what is this person's motivations. Also, I can say that trust is different than reliability. I think you should operate not without trusting no one, but not relying on anyone for anything. Because human beings will always, 100% of the time, serve their own best interest when it comes between their own survival and yours. So remember that and operate in a world with that
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 2:05


And the things that are controversial piss off the people that are of my faith and religion and also of other faiths and religion, also atheists. It's great. I get to make everyone mad. It's really beautiful. It's really beautiful. But, yeah, I think you're 100% right. And I'm glad that you are a math teacher, and I'm glad that you were shaping minds with that kind of mentality. I appreciate that

@kwa @garyplaysbone

The very foundation of who you think they are, the relationship that you have, everything that you've built up to that point. And once that betrayal hit. And it was so significant because of everything that happened afterward. That it was a betrayal is the perfect word for it. And at that point, then I had to take a choice of distrusting them. There's an analogy I use to describe what I think of for truth. And I think this also fits maybe for trust
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8Β Β·Β 4:30

@RoosterCollins The inner circle is a blessing πŸ™πŸΎ #trust #family #perceptions #life #reality

I don't think he intended to loop himself into that. But unfortunately, you're a parent. We do not always make the right decisions, and sometimes we do betray the trust of our children and our families and people. I can't even get mad because he never outrightly said, I'm the one exception. No, but then again, I would say that culturally, that is not something my parents from their generations would lean into
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8Β Β·Β 3:56

@susisouljourney Hell of a party indeed 😁 #swell #content #daily #community #talk #connect

And the likelihood that the people we talk to on this platform we would actually talk to in real life very slim, which is actually really interesting and something to think about on a deeper level of the people and the connections we're making here. Why is that? That's not happening in the IRL. What's that say? Actually me. Right? Like, how come it takes a swell platform to connect people in a deeper level, to learn from people on a deeper level?
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8Β Β·Β 4:39

@garyplaysbone Dial it up and down πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ #powerful #meaning #thoughts #content #people #wow

I think that it lends for my ability to have humor, it lends for me as a content creator, it lends for me to lean all the way in. And if I need to know something, I become the walking, talking dictionary on it. I become the miss resource. I'm the mom where when I meet the other moms, I'm like, oh, have you heard about this? Have you heard about this?
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 1:02


So I'm trying to provide that probably like you're trying to provide, like you said, for your son. And yeah, there was a time after I graduated high school I had a very emotional moment with one of my best friends and I started crying and my grandfather just did not know how to handle it. I've had a lot of men walk out when I just fall into sobs. But my ability to process emotion and let it out I think speaks to my masculinity
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8Β Β·Β 4:39

@kwa When does it play out... #trust #people content #conversation #work #teamplayer #teamwork #support #safety

You. Thank you for sharing. I wouldn't say you were spoiled. I think that you were blessed and thank God that you had that, because so many of us don't grow up with being able to have the principles that were anchored in your household and with your family members. The way that you spoke to it as a reality, that was not my reality
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8Β Β·Β 4:42

@RoosterCollins #feelings are a sign of strength πŸ’ͺ🏾 #vulnerable #people #tears #release #content people

These are the people you're born into, this family. But who gives a damn if these people don't make you feel safe? Who gives a damn if these people aren't giving you what you need to be an emotionally whole person? Chosen family, whether that includes people you're actually related to or not. Make sure you have safe spaces with trusted people to be as vulnerable and strong and powerful and impactful as you can be as a human on this earth
Susi Lawson
@susisouljourneyΒ Β·Β 4:33


And like you say, I'm like, every time I was around people in this particular, and there's a lot of clicky things in this town and a lot of gossip, which I freaking cannot stand, like, who wants to go out to dinner, listen to people gossip? I don't want to. So, yeah, I started thinking, I don't really want to hang out with all these people. And I started just going out alone
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8Β Β·Β 3:09

@susisouljourney Not the average 🐻 #different #diverse #people #perspectives #community #content #curated #meaning #connection

And it's a space, unlike others, where I think people are naturally like yeah. Pulling down the veil and just being vulnerable and being open in a way that maybe other platforms don't lend for. So it's like, hello, world. And it's like, okay, we just out here just doing that, and we feel it, and it's a vibe, as they say. So, yeah, no, together
